Only Possible Conclusion - For The Rational Mind
(too old to reply)
2017-02-11 08:09:50 UTC
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.

Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.

If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.

The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.

Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.

The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris

When we consider the laws of thermodynamics
and origins, the above can be the only possible
conclusion for the rational mind. Glory to God.
Malcolm McMahon
2017-02-11 08:25:54 UTC
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Oh, not the entropy thing again. How many times has it been pointed out to you
that the law requiring increasing entropy is applicable only to closed systems,
and that the biosphere is so far away from being a closed system it needs
astronomical telescopes to see one?

By the same argument the fridge in your kitchen couldn't possibly work.

Entropy of the universe as a whole increases, but entropy can be, and
frequently is, redistributed, being lowered in one place and increased
2017-02-11 08:40:06 UTC
Post by Malcolm McMahon
Entropy of the universe as a whole increases, but entropy can be, and
frequently is, redistributed, being lowered in one place and increased
Only if there is some *mechanism* that would cause it to do so.
2017-02-11 17:14:44 UTC
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
Entropy of the universe as a whole increases, but entropy can be, and
frequently is, redistributed, being lowered in one place and increased
Only if there is some *mechanism* that would cause it to do so.
It's called biochemistry, look it up.
Yes exactly, the origin of which would not be possible apart
from a Creation..if the second law were a universal principle.
. . which it is.

Therefore again, more positive evidence for a Creation by
our awesome and most wonderful Creator. Glory to Him.
2017-02-11 22:01:22 UTC
Post by Andrew
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
Entropy of the universe as a whole increases, but entropy can be, and
frequently is, redistributed, being lowered in one place and increased
Only if there is some *mechanism* that would cause it to do so.
It's called biochemistry, look it up.
Yes exactly, the origin of which would not be possible apart
from a Creation..if the second law were a universal principle.
. . which it is.
Post by Andrew
Therefore again, more positive evidence for a Creation by
our awesome and most wonderful Creator. Glory to Him.
More nonsense.
The above is evidence that, in order to maintain their beliefs,
some atheists will even deny solidly established scientific law.

If the entropy principle really is a universal law, then the "goo
to you" story is an impossibility, and atheism is a deception.

Folks, it is futile for you to fight against the truth.
David Canzi
2017-02-12 05:31:07 UTC
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
Entropy of the universe as a whole increases, but entropy can be, and
frequently is, redistributed, being lowered in one place and increased
Only if there is some *mechanism* that would cause it to do so.
There is no clause in the second law of thermodynamics exempting
some set of mechanisms from the second law. The second law
doesn't say what you need it to say, so you make something up
that sounds enough like the second law that you can hope people
won't notice the substitution.
David Canzi | Eternal truths come and go.
2017-02-11 09:39:03 UTC
Post by Malcolm McMahon
the biosphere is so far away from being a closed
system it needs astronomical telescopes to see one?
The biosphere is filled with God-given *mechanisms*
that allow entropy to decrease temporarily. If it were
not for such *mechanisms* there would be no life on
our planet.
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-11 10:06:51 UTC
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:39:03 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
the biosphere is so far away from being a closed
system it needs astronomical telescopes to see one?
The biosphere is filled with God-given *mechanisms*
that allow entropy to decrease temporarily. If it were
not for such *mechanisms* there would be no life on
our planet.
What is God?
President Trump will make America great again
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-11 10:13:14 UTC
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:39:03 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
the biosphere is so far away from being a closed
system it needs astronomical telescopes to see one?
The biosphere is filled with God-given *mechanisms*
that allow entropy to decrease temporarily. If it were
not for such *mechanisms* there would be no life on
our planet.
What is God?
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
2017-02-11 13:04:00 UTC
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:13:14 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:39:03 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
the biosphere is so far away from being a closed
system it needs astronomical telescopes to see one?
The biosphere is filled with God-given *mechanisms*
that allow entropy to decrease temporarily. If it were
not for such *mechanisms* there would be no life on
our planet.
What is God?
Daniel 12:9-10 (KJV) And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words
are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be
purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly:
and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-11 13:28:33 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:13:14 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:39:03 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
the biosphere is so far away from being a closed
system it needs astronomical telescopes to see one?
The biosphere is filled with God-given *mechanisms*
that allow entropy to decrease temporarily. If it were
not for such *mechanisms* there would be no life on
our planet.
What is God?
Daniel 12:9-10 (KJV) And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words
are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be
and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall
See? Daniel blames God.
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-11 14:13:50 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:13:14 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:39:03 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
the biosphere is so far away from being a closed
system it needs astronomical telescopes to see one?
The biosphere is filled with God-given *mechanisms*
that allow entropy to decrease temporarily. If it were
not for such *mechanisms* there would be no life on
our planet.
What is God?
Daniel 12:9-10 (KJV) And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words
are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be
and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall
How the fuck does citing the mythology from somebody else's religion,
answer the question which was asked in the real world, imbecile?
2017-02-11 15:09:57 UTC
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 08:13:50 -0600, Christopher A. Lee
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:13:14 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:39:03 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
the biosphere is so far away from being a closed
system it needs astronomical telescopes to see one?
The biosphere is filled with God-given *mechanisms*
that allow entropy to decrease temporarily. If it were
not for such *mechanisms* there would be no life on
our planet.
What is God?
Daniel 12:9-10 (KJV) And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words
are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be
and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall
How the fuck does citing the mythology from somebody else's religion,
answer the question which was asked in the real world, imbecile?
My dog doesn't understand this, either. Gordon
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-11 15:16:40 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 08:13:50 -0600, Christopher A. Lee
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:13:14 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:39:03 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
the biosphere is so far away from being a closed
system it needs astronomical telescopes to see one?
The biosphere is filled with God-given *mechanisms*
that allow entropy to decrease temporarily. If it were
not for such *mechanisms* there would be no life on
our planet.
What is God?
Daniel 12:9-10 (KJV) And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words
are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be
and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall
How the fuck does citing the mythology from somebody else's religion,
answer the question which was asked in the real world, imbecile?
My dog doesn't understand this, either. Gordon
Then you and it have the same IQ, imbecile.

Learn to read,
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-12 02:14:26 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 08:13:50 -0600, Christopher A. Lee
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:13:14 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:39:03 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
the biosphere is so far away from being a closed
system it needs astronomical telescopes to see one?
The biosphere is filled with God-given *mechanisms*
that allow entropy to decrease temporarily. If it were
not for such *mechanisms* there would be no life on
our planet.
What is God?
Daniel 12:9-10 (KJV) And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words
are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be
and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall
How the fuck does citing the mythology from somebody else's religion,
answer the question which was asked in the real world, imbecile?
My dog doesn't understand this, either. Gordon
Oh, lookee, Gordon's trying to be nasty.

And failing as he does with everything else he posts.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-12 03:45:07 UTC
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:14:26 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 08:13:50 -0600, Christopher A. Lee
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:13:14 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:39:03 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
the biosphere is so far away from being a closed
system it needs astronomical telescopes to see one?
The biosphere is filled with God-given *mechanisms*
that allow entropy to decrease temporarily. If it were
not for such *mechanisms* there would be no life on
our planet.
What is God?
Daniel 12:9-10 (KJV) And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words
are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be
and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall
How the fuck does citing the mythology from somebody else's religion,
answer the question which was asked in the real world, imbecile?
My dog doesn't understand this, either. Gordon
Oh, lookee, Gordon's trying to be nasty.
And failing as he does with everything else he posts.
He and his dog have the same IQ.
2017-02-13 02:13:40 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:14:26 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 08:13:50 -0600, Christopher A. Lee
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:13:14 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:39:03 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
the biosphere is so far away from being a closed system it needs
astronomical telescopes to see one?
The biosphere is filled with God-given *mechanisms*
that allow entropy to decrease temporarily. If it were not for
such *mechanisms* there would be no life on our planet.
What is God? http://youtu.be/Vdu3K9INbTY
Daniel 12:9-10 (KJV) And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words
are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be
and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall
How the fuck does citing the mythology from somebody else's religion,
answer the question which was asked in the real world, imbecile?
My dog doesn't understand this, either. Gordon
Oh, lookee, Gordon's trying to be nasty.
And failing as he does with everything else he posts.
He and his dog have the same IQ.
He must have a particularly dumb dog, then.
The godless one. a.a.# 2279
All gods are tailored to order. They're made to
exactly fit the prejudices of their believers.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-13 05:50:02 UTC
Post by Smiler
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:14:26 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 08:13:50 -0600, Christopher A. Lee
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:13:14 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:39:03 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
the biosphere is so far away from being a closed system it needs
astronomical telescopes to see one?
The biosphere is filled with God-given *mechanisms*
that allow entropy to decrease temporarily. If it were not for
such *mechanisms* there would be no life on our planet.
What is God? http://youtu.be/Vdu3K9INbTY
Daniel 12:9-10 (KJV) And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words
are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be
and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall
How the fuck does citing the mythology from somebody else's religion,
answer the question which was asked in the real world, imbecile?
My dog doesn't understand this, either. Gordon
Oh, lookee, Gordon's trying to be nasty.
And failing as he does with everything else he posts.
He and his dog have the same IQ.
He must have a particularly dumb dog, then.
Man goes into the pub and sees Gordon playing chess with his dog....

"Wow, that's fantastic. A dog playing chess"

"Not really, I beat him two out of the last three games"
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-12 02:13:53 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:13:14 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:39:03 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
the biosphere is so far away from being a closed
system it needs astronomical telescopes to see one?
The biosphere is filled with God-given *mechanisms*
that allow entropy to decrease temporarily. If it were
not for such *mechanisms* there would be no life on
our planet.
What is God?
Daniel 12:9-10 (KJV)
Why are you posting a bible passage in a group that knows that it is
nothing but a book of myths?

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
2017-02-11 09:53:03 UTC
Post by Malcolm McMahon
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Oh, not the entropy thing again. How many times has it
been pointed out to you that the law requiring increasing
entropy is applicable only to closed systems,

"There are no known violations of the second law of
thermodynamics. Ordinarily the second law is stated
for isolated systems, but the second law applies equally
well to open systems..There is somehow associated
with the field of far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics
the notion that the second law of thermodynamics fails
for such systems. It is important to make sure that this
error does not perpetuate itself."
~ Dr John Ross, Chemist, Harvard University
Kadaitcha Man
2017-02-11 10:14:51 UTC
Andrew, frailty, thy name is woman. Ye are a pasty-faced rascal, a
fly-covered arrant knave, a flap-mouthed enemy inveterate, a bearded
Post by Andrew
Post by Malcolm McMahon
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable barrier which no
evolutionary mechanism has ever been able to overcome.
Oh, not the entropy thing again. How many times has it been pointed
out to you that the law requiring increasing entropy is applicable
only to closed systems,
"There are no known violations of the second law of thermodynamics.
Ordinarily the second law is stated for isolated systems, but the
second law applies equally
well to open systems..There is somehow associated with the field of
far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics the notion that the second law of
thermodynamics fails for such systems. It is important to make sure
that this error does not perpetuate itself."
~ Dr John Ross, Chemist, Harvard University
A thoroughly debunked fabrication.

Source: creation.com

Try this: http://factsnotfantasy.com/creationists.php
Before you fucking well complain about the fucking swearing in my
fucking posts, read this fucking article, you fucking dipshit whiner:

Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-11 10:06:35 UTC
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 00:09:50 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
Unless its not a closed system.
Post by Andrew
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
We have no idea how of if the universe began.
We do know how God began.
Post by Andrew
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
When we consider the laws of thermodynamics
and origins, the above can be the only possible
conclusion for the rational mind. Glory to God.
There is no science in that and no truth.

What is God?

President Trump will make America great again
Irreverend Dave
2017-02-11 15:17:13 UTC
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you

From Rationalwiki:

Henry M. Morris (October 6, 1918 - 2013 February 25, 2006) was the
original modern young Earth creationist. His 1961 book The Genesis Flood,
co-written with John C. Whitcomb, served as the seminal text for the
budding creationist movement. He coined the term "scientific

He trained as an engineer, receiving a B.S. in civil engineering from
Rice University in 1939 and a Ph.D. in hydraulic engineering from the
University of Minnesota in 1950.

Morris's spiritual heirs have had the edge worn off their works by
exposure to the real world. Morris' works are vastly more unashamedly
batshit insane than the typical run of 21st-century creationism.
The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly
teaches me to suspect that my own is also. - Mark Twain
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-11 16:43:20 UTC
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
A deliberately stupid lie which is only intended to annoy = about
something that is nothing to do with atheism.
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
What a fucking moron.
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The same old deliberate lie which has been refuted over and over
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
One pig-ignorant, proven liar citing another.
Post by Irreverend Dave
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
He knows, but refuses to understand its implications.
Post by Irreverend Dave
Henry M. Morris (October 6, 1918 - 2013 February 25, 2006) was the
original modern young Earth creationist. His 1961 book The Genesis Flood,
co-written with John C. Whitcomb, served as the seminal text for the
budding creationist movement. He coined the term "scientific
He trained as an engineer, receiving a B.S. in civil engineering from
Rice University in 1939 and a Ph.D. in hydraulic engineering from the
University of Minnesota in 1950.
Morris's spiritual heirs have had the edge worn off their works by
exposure to the real world. Morris' works are vastly more unashamedly
batshit insane than the typical run of 21st-century creationism.
They're worse than that.
2017-02-11 17:13:50 UTC
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from
the Sun, are you Andrew?
Leave your car our in the hot sun for twenty years
and what will you see? Entropy happened. Amen.
Adam A. Wanderer
2017-02-11 20:28:22 UTC
Post by Andrew
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from
the Sun, are you Andrew?
Leave your car our in the hot sun for twenty years
and what will you see? Entropy happened. Amen.
Car equals Earth??? Damn, you are stupid! Try educating yourself:


















































"Creation science" has not entered the curriculum for a reason so
simple and so basic that we often forget to mention it: because it is
false, and because good teachers understand exactly why it is false.
What could be more destructive of that most fragile yet most precious
commodity in our entire intellectual heritage -- good teaching -- than
a bill forcing honourable teachers to sully their sacred trust by
granting equal treatment to a doctrine not only known to be false, but
calculated to undermine any general understanding of science as an
enterprise? - Stephen Jay Gould.













Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-11 21:23:49 UTC
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 09:13:50 -0800, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from
the Sun, are you Andrew?
Leave your car our in the hot sun for twenty years
and what will you see? Entropy happened. Amen.
Unless God steps in.
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
Irreverend Dave
2017-02-12 06:03:07 UTC
Post by Andrew
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from
the Sun, are you Andrew?
Leave your car our in the hot sun for twenty years
and what will you see? Entropy happened. Amen.
Leave a tree out in the sun for twenty years and what will you see? A
bigger tree!

The creationist entropy argument was debunked years ago.

Give it up Andrew.
The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly
teaches me to suspect that my own is also. - Mark Twain
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-12 11:00:46 UTC
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 06:03:07 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from
the Sun, are you Andrew?
Leave your car our in the hot sun for twenty years
and what will you see? Entropy happened. Amen.
Leave a tree out in the sun for twenty years and what will you see? A
bigger tree!
The creationist entropy argument was debunked years ago.
Give it up Andrew.
Religion makes people too stupid to see just how stupid they are, so
they don't realise just how transparently dishonest or how ignorant
they are.
Bob Officer
2017-02-13 18:18:26 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 06:03:07 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from
the Sun, are you Andrew?
Leave your car our in the hot sun for twenty years
and what will you see? Entropy happened. Amen.
Leave a tree out in the sun for twenty years and what will you see? A
bigger tree!
The creationist entropy argument was debunked years ago.
Give it up Andrew.
Religion makes people too stupid to see just how stupid they are, so
they don't realise just how transparently dishonest or how ignorant
they are.
Reference to my signature...

Do you mean they become En-Clease-iactic?
Dunning's work explained in clear, concise and simple terms.
John Cleese on Stupidity

2017-02-12 13:35:27 UTC
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from
the Sun, are you Andrew?
Leave your car our in the hot sun for twenty years
and what will you see? Entropy happened. Amen.
Leave a tree out in the sun for twenty years and what
will you see? A bigger tree!
Only because it has a genetic program that enables it
to do so.
Post by Irreverend Dave
The creationist entropy argument was debunked
years ago.
Apparently not.
Post by Irreverend Dave
Give it up Andrew.
You are so funny!
2017-02-13 02:45:07 UTC
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from
the Sun, are you Andrew?
Leave your car our in the hot sun for twenty years
and what will you see? Entropy happened. Amen.
Leave a tree out in the sun for twenty years and what will you see? A
bigger tree!
That's assuming the conclusion. Only life can preserve energy to reverse
entropy. Except the energy absorbed by life, all energy coming from the
sun only creases the entropy of the earth, meaning all wasted, by
raising the temperature of the surface of earth. Earth can not store the
energy of sunlight. Only life can do that with photosynthesis.
Post by Irreverend Dave
The creationist entropy argument was debunked years ago.
Give it up Andrew.
2017-02-11 20:18:43 UTC
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.

In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.

Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been

Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Post by Irreverend Dave
Henry M. Morris (October 6, 1918 - 2013 February 25, 2006) was the
original modern young Earth creationist. His 1961 book The Genesis Flood,
co-written with John C. Whitcomb, served as the seminal text for the
budding creationist movement. He coined the term "scientific
He trained as an engineer, receiving a B.S. in civil engineering from
Rice University in 1939 and a Ph.D. in hydraulic engineering from the
University of Minnesota in 1950.
Morris's spiritual heirs have had the edge worn off their works by
exposure to the real world. Morris' works are vastly more unashamedly
batshit insane than the typical run of 21st-century creationism.
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-11 20:53:11 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
The confusion is yours, imbecile, because you are so desperate for
your mythology to be true that you try to twist what the ignorant,
ancient primitives wrote to fit what you _imagine_ is modern knowledge
but isn't.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God

Grow up and stop being so deliberately and rudely stupid.
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-11 22:14:39 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!

4 And God saw the light, that [it was] good:

The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
2017-02-12 00:39:56 UTC
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why would this be arrogant? God knew that His creation would be
useless without optical light.
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-12 00:58:41 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God has no way to understand us.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why would this be arrogant? God knew that His creation would be
useless without optical light.
The following video explains it all.

The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
2017-02-12 01:58:35 UTC
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example. Visible light is produced when a
valence electron is bumped into an elevated state then it emits a
photon when it returns to its stable state. There must be atoms with
valence electrons before visible range light can be produced. Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God has no way to understand us.
God understands us perfectly but He does not rely upon visible range
light to see us. He exists everywhere throughout the
universe/multiverse and by means that we don't yet understand, is able
to perceive everything that happens. He is aware of every hair on our
heads. He is aware of every bird that falls. Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why would this be arrogant? God knew that His creation would be
useless without optical light.
The following video explains it all.
If this entertains you I'm amazed.
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-12 02:05:32 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example. Visible light is produced when a
valence electron is bumped into an elevated state then it emits a
photon when it returns to its stable state. There must be atoms with
valence electrons before visible range light can be produced. Gordon
Why do you keep repeating the same unsolicited nonsense, imbecile?

Do you seriously expect a different answer?
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
Post by Gordon
doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
has no way to understand us.
Liar. He's only applying logic to your unsolicited nonsense.
Post by Gordon
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-12 02:18:22 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
2017-02-12 02:58:36 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not visible
and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves or radio
waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
<theist mode>
"They are only pretend. They don't do anything."
The godless one. a.a.# 2279
All gods are tailored to order. They're made to
exactly fit the prejudices of their believers.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-12 03:43:50 UTC
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
It's an all-you-can-eat buffet lunch.
2017-02-12 13:23:39 UTC
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:43:50 -0600, Christopher A. Lee
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
It's an all-you-can-eat buffet lunch.
Chrissy, if you were trying to be witty, you made it only about half
way! Call it halfwitty or some such.
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-12 14:05:19 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:43:50 -0600, Christopher A. Lee
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
It's an all-you-can-eat buffet lunch.
Chrissy, if you were trying to be witty, you made it only about half
way! Call it halfwitty or some such.
Go fuck yourself, troll.
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-12 15:05:42 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:43:50 -0600, Christopher A. Lee
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
It's an all-you-can-eat buffet lunch.
Chrissy, if you were trying to be witty, you made it only about half
way! Call it halfwitty or some such.
Ahhh, poor Gordie has no sense of humor.

It wasn't hilarious, Christopher, but it was amusing. I chuckled.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-12 16:33:15 UTC
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 07:05:42 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:43:50 -0600, Christopher A. Lee
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
It's an all-you-can-eat buffet lunch.
Chrissy, if you were trying to be witty, you made it only about half
way! Call it halfwitty or some such.
Ahhh, poor Gordie has no sense of humor.
It wasn't hilarious, Christopher, but it was amusing. I chuckled.

But then Gordon is a moron.
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-13 04:05:27 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 07:05:42 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:43:50 -0600, Christopher A. Lee
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun,
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
It's an all-you-can-eat buffet lunch.
Chrissy, if you were trying to be witty, you made it only about half
way! Call it halfwitty or some such.
Ahhh, poor Gordie has no sense of humor.
It wasn't hilarious, Christopher, but it was amusing. I chuckled.
But then Gordon is a moron.
A very desperate one.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
Kadaitcha Man
2017-02-12 04:06:00 UTC
Jeanne Douglas, thou whoreson zed, thou unnecessary letter. Ye are a
dull drayman, a biting bug-riddled foul deformity, a rancorous
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
You fucking idiot. You cannot see radio waves, irrespective of the
dishes being there.
Before you fucking well complain about the fucking swearing in my
fucking posts, read this fucking article, you fucking dipshit whiner:

2017-02-12 13:05:37 UTC
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light,
which is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of

If you still don't understand what the word light means, take a look
at this web site for a more thorough definition;


Radio frequency radiation is usually outside the normal range of
frequencies/wave lengths that we refer to as light. Those dishes you
mention are designed to receive and process radiation that is outside
the frequency/wave length of visible light. Gordon
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-12 15:09:08 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light,
which is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of
If you still don't understand what the word light means, take a look
at this web site for a more thorough definition;
Radio frequency radiation is usually outside the normal range of
frequencies/wave lengths that we refer to as light. Those dishes you
mention are designed to receive and process radiation that is outside
the frequency/wave length of visible light. Gordon
If we mean visible light, we say visible light (or it's obvious within
the context). And our perception only of it is due to the inadequate
"design" of our eye. But we see in pretty much every wavelength of light
with our tech.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
Bob Officer
2017-02-13 18:18:27 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light,
which is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of
If you still don't understand what the word light means, take a look
at this web site for a more thorough definition;
Radio frequency radiation is usually outside the normal range of
frequencies/wave lengths that we refer to as light. Those dishes you
mention are designed to receive and process radiation that is outside
the frequency/wave length of visible light. Gordon
Gordumb, I have a license which allows me to transmit EMF from "D.C. to
light" ( yes the license allows me to use modulated or pulsed light beams
via a laser. ) Stop talking about shit you don't understand.
Dunning's work explained in clear, concise and simple terms.
John Cleese on Stupidity
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-13 18:51:39 UTC
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 18:18:27 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light,
which is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of
If you still don't understand what the word light means, take a look
at this web site for a more thorough definition;
Radio frequency radiation is usually outside the normal range of
frequencies/wave lengths that we refer to as light. Those dishes you
mention are designed to receive and process radiation that is outside
the frequency/wave length of visible light. Gordon
Gordumb, I have a license which allows me to transmit EMF from "D.C. to
light" ( yes the license allows me to use modulated or pulsed light beams
via a laser. ) Stop talking about shit you don't understand.
Which means pretty well everything.

But he has some kind of imperative to tell us his mindless nonsense
even though it is irrelevant and off-topic - as well as false.

Religion does that to people.

And he's been doing this obsessively here for years, ever since he
posted as Antares, also for several years before that.

Religion makes people mentally ill.
Bob Officer
2017-02-13 20:47:22 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 18:18:27 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light,
which is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of
If you still don't understand what the word light means, take a look
at this web site for a more thorough definition;
Radio frequency radiation is usually outside the normal range of
frequencies/wave lengths that we refer to as light. Those dishes you
mention are designed to receive and process radiation that is outside
the frequency/wave length of visible light. Gordon
Gordumb, I have a license which allows me to transmit EMF from "D.C. to
light" ( yes the license allows me to use modulated or pulsed light beams
via a laser. ) Stop talking about shit you don't understand.
Which means pretty well everything.
But he has some kind of imperative to tell us his mindless nonsense
even though it is irrelevant and off-topic - as well as false.
Religion does that to people.
And he's been doing this obsessively here for years, ever since he
posted as Antares, also for several years before that.
Religion makes people mentally ill.
Religion is a transmitted mental illness.

When talking about and EMF transmission, one needs to include the frequency
or wavelength of the energy packets, each different wavelength has a
different set of properties related to it. Once can us ELF to map
underground caverns or transmit information to submerged subs. One can use
microwaves to send interplanetary data. Try either of those at different
frequent sets and you'll fail.

HF 120 meters to about 6 meters does not penetrate ground or water very
well and gets reflected or nearly completely absorbed before they leave the
earth atmosphere. VHF doesn't penetrate water or earth at very well (which
is why one of the side experiments from HAARP was mapping the nearby
underground features.) to those nitpickers, yes you can here Jupiter,
Saturn and the sun on HF frequencies on the surface of the earth. The
atmospheric does a great deal of absorbing those signals. They are often
just above the noise level during most of the solar cycle and right now is
one of the best of times to listen to the two gas giants with simple radios
and a computer to display the signals.
Dunning's work explained in clear, concise and simple terms.
John Cleese on Stupidity
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-13 21:05:47 UTC
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 18:18:27 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
In the beginning God created the heavens (other dimensional space
frames) and the earth (this universe we are able to perceive). And
this universe (earth) was without form (matter) and void (empty
space). It was just a point...then God triggered the Big Bang and
initiated the expansion.
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light,
which is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of
If you still don't understand what the word light means, take a look
at this web site for a more thorough definition;
Radio frequency radiation is usually outside the normal range of
frequencies/wave lengths that we refer to as light. Those dishes you
mention are designed to receive and process radiation that is outside
the frequency/wave length of visible light. Gordon
Gordumb, I have a license which allows me to transmit EMF from "D.C. to
light" ( yes the license allows me to use modulated or pulsed light beams
via a laser. ) Stop talking about shit you don't understand.
What licence is that?
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
2017-02-13 22:17:05 UTC
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 18:18:27 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light,
which is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of
If you still don't understand what the word light means, take a look
at this web site for a more thorough definition;
Radio frequency radiation is usually outside the normal range of
frequencies/wave lengths that we refer to as light. Those dishes you
mention are designed to receive and process radiation that is outside
the frequency/wave length of visible light. Gordon
Gordumb, I have a license which allows me to transmit EMF from "D.C. to
light" ( yes the license allows me to use modulated or pulsed light beams
via a laser. ) Stop talking about shit you don't understand.
This thread was talking about the time of the creation, and the word
"light" was in reference to what we now think of as optically visible
light. Gordon
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-13 22:39:16 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 18:18:27 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light,
which is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of
If you still don't understand what the word light means, take a look
at this web site for a more thorough definition;
Radio frequency radiation is usually outside the normal range of
frequencies/wave lengths that we refer to as light. Those dishes you
mention are designed to receive and process radiation that is outside
the frequency/wave length of visible light. Gordon
Gordumb, I have a license which allows me to transmit EMF from "D.C. to
light" ( yes the license allows me to use modulated or pulsed light beams
via a laser. ) Stop talking about shit you don't understand.
This thread was talking about the time of the creation, and the word
"light" was in reference to what we now think of as optically visible
light. Gordon
And Biblical creation is complete bullshit which mobody in their
right mind takes seriously.
Siri Cruise
2017-02-13 23:08:16 UTC
Post by Gordon
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
This thread was talking about the time of the creation, and the word
"light" was in reference to what we now think of as optically visible
light. Gordon
Blackbody radiation is based on thermal vibration of particles not spectrum
photon from electron shells. What changed was when the universe was rarefied
enough that most photons had unobstructed paths.
:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted.
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'
Free the Amos Yee one.
Yeah, too bad about your so-called life. Ha-ha.
2017-02-14 00:15:19 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Gordon
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
This thread was talking about the time of the creation, and the word
"light" was in reference to what we now think of as optically visible
light. Gordon
Blackbody radiation is based on thermal vibration of particles not spectrum
photon from electron shells. What changed was when the universe was rarefied
enough that most photons had unobstructed paths.
There's a bit more to this than you've outlined. Photons are emitted
when atoms with valence electrons are bumped or otherwise agitated.
The valence electron will be elevated to a higher state then when it
drops back to its stable state it emits a photon.

At the time of creation there was just a point that began to expand
and as it expanded and cooled down a bit subatomic particles began to
form. These particles then merged into the first protons, neutrons and
electrons which became the first atoms. Then there was light! Gordon
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-14 00:26:27 UTC
Post by Gordon
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Gordon
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
This thread was talking about the time of the creation, and the word
"light" was in reference to what we now think of as optically visible
light. Gordon
Blackbody radiation is based on thermal vibration of particles not spectrum
photon from electron shells. What changed was when the universe was rarefied
enough that most photons had unobstructed paths.
There's a bit more to this than you've outlined. Photons are emitted
when atoms with valence electrons are bumped or otherwise agitated.
The valence electron will be elevated to a higher state then when it
drops back to its stable state it emits a photon.
At the time of creation there was just a point that began to expand
and as it expanded and cooled down a bit subatomic particles began to
form. These particles then merged into the first protons, neutrons and
electrons which became the first atoms. Then there was light! Gordon
Do you really think the men that created God knew those things?
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
2017-02-14 06:49:20 UTC
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Gordon
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
This thread was talking about the time of the creation, and the word
"light" was in reference to what we now think of as optically visible
light. Gordon
Blackbody radiation is based on thermal vibration of particles not spectrum
photon from electron shells. What changed was when the universe was rarefied
enough that most photons had unobstructed paths.
There's a bit more to this than you've outlined. Photons are emitted
when atoms with valence electrons are bumped or otherwise agitated.
The valence electron will be elevated to a higher state then when it
drops back to its stable state it emits a photon.
At the time of creation there was just a point that began to expand
and as it expanded and cooled down a bit subatomic particles began to
form. These particles then merged into the first protons, neutrons and
electrons which became the first atoms. Then there was light! Gordon
Do you really think the men that created God knew those things?
Do you really think God who created the universe did not know all these
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-14 07:23:26 UTC
Post by aaa
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Gordon
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
This thread was talking about the time of the creation, and the word
"light" was in reference to what we now think of as optically visible
light. Gordon
Blackbody radiation is based on thermal vibration of particles not spectrum
photon from electron shells. What changed was when the universe was rarefied
enough that most photons had unobstructed paths.
There's a bit more to this than you've outlined. Photons are emitted
when atoms with valence electrons are bumped or otherwise agitated.
The valence electron will be elevated to a higher state then when it
drops back to its stable state it emits a photon.
At the time of creation there was just a point that began to expand
and as it expanded and cooled down a bit subatomic particles began to
form. These particles then merged into the first protons, neutrons and
electrons which became the first atoms. Then there was light! Gordon
Do you really think the men that created God knew those things?
Do you really think God who created the universe did not know all these
God thinks the moon is a light and that the stars are tiny lights in
the solid dome that covers the flat earth.
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
2017-02-14 07:53:35 UTC
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Gordon
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
This thread was talking about the time of the creation, and the word
"light" was in reference to what we now think of as optically visible
light. Gordon
Blackbody radiation is based on thermal vibration of particles not spectrum
photon from electron shells. What changed was when the universe was rarefied
enough that most photons had unobstructed paths.
There's a bit more to this than you've outlined. Photons are emitted
when atoms with valence electrons are bumped or otherwise agitated.
The valence electron will be elevated to a higher state then when it
drops back to its stable state it emits a photon.
At the time of creation there was just a point that began to expand
and as it expanded and cooled down a bit subatomic particles began to
form. These particles then merged into the first protons, neutrons and
electrons which became the first atoms. Then there was light! Gordon
Do you really think the men that created God knew those things?
Do you really think God who created the universe did not know all these
God thinks the moon is a light and that the stars are tiny lights in
the solid dome that covers the flat earth.
That is for you to better understand the creation without relying on
modern science more than 2000 years ago. You were quite scientifically
deficient back then.
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-14 09:42:19 UTC
Post by aaa
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Gordon
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
This thread was talking about the time of the creation, and the word
"light" was in reference to what we now think of as optically visible
light. Gordon
Blackbody radiation is based on thermal vibration of particles not spectrum
photon from electron shells. What changed was when the universe was rarefied
enough that most photons had unobstructed paths.
There's a bit more to this than you've outlined. Photons are emitted
when atoms with valence electrons are bumped or otherwise agitated.
The valence electron will be elevated to a higher state then when it
drops back to its stable state it emits a photon.
At the time of creation there was just a point that began to expand
and as it expanded and cooled down a bit subatomic particles began to
form. These particles then merged into the first protons, neutrons and
electrons which became the first atoms. Then there was light! Gordon
Do you really think the men that created God knew those things?
Do you really think God who created the universe did not know all these
God thinks the moon is a light and that the stars are tiny lights in
the solid dome that covers the flat earth.
That is for you to better understand the creation without relying on
modern science more than 2000 years ago. You were quite scientifically
deficient back then.
So was God apparently!
Have you noticed that God only knows what the people of the time know?
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-14 00:43:53 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 18:18:27 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light,
which is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of
If you still don't understand what the word light means, take a look
at this web site for a more thorough definition;
Radio frequency radiation is usually outside the normal range of
frequencies/wave lengths that we refer to as light. Those dishes you
mention are designed to receive and process radiation that is outside
the frequency/wave length of visible light. Gordon
Gordumb, I have a license which allows me to transmit EMF from "D.C. to
light" ( yes the license allows me to use modulated or pulsed light beams
via a laser. ) Stop talking about shit you don't understand.
This thread was talking about the time of the creation, and the word
"light" was in reference to what we now think of as optically visible
light. Gordon
That's all the Bronze Agers could see, so of course that's all they
wrote about.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
Bob Officer
2017-02-14 02:41:51 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 18:18:27 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 18:18:22 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Big Bang process had to move along to the level which allowed
atoms with valence electrons to form. This was the beginning of light
as we think of it...an optical response to light photons.
How did waves outside our visible range come to be?
Numerous processes produce waves such as this, but they are not
visible and are not referred to as light. No one can see gravity waves
or radio waves, etc., for example.
Hmmm, if we can't see radio waves then what are all those dishes doing
out there?
Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light,
which is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of
If you still don't understand what the word light means, take a look
at this web site for a more thorough definition;
Radio frequency radiation is usually outside the normal range of
frequencies/wave lengths that we refer to as light. Those dishes you
mention are designed to receive and process radiation that is outside
the frequency/wave length of visible light. Gordon
Gordumb, I have a license which allows me to transmit EMF from "D.C. to
light" ( yes the license allows me to use modulated or pulsed light beams
via a laser. ) Stop talking about shit you don't understand.
This thread was talking about the time of the creation, and the word
"light" was in reference to what we now think of as optically visible
light. Gordon
The Light are talking about is everything from D.C. up. You see you have
placed the same limitations on your god you have. The god you speak about
is made in man's image.

Stop being so stupid Gor-Dumb.
Dunning's work explained in clear, concise and simple terms.
John Cleese on Stupidity
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-12 06:36:00 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God has no way to understand us.
God understands us perfectly but He does not rely upon visible range
light to see us. He exists everywhere throughout the
I can see a problem with that. It would take millions of years for
a thought to propagate from one side of God to the other.
That could account for why God seems to be always confused.
Post by Gordon
and by means that we don't yet understand, is able
to perceive everything that happens.
How do you know these things?
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every hair on our heads.
The bible says our hairs are numbered. Does God renumber
our hairs every time one falls out or is replaced? If so are the
hairs renumbered from one or are new hairs renumbered ever
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every bird that falls.
That's an odd thing for God to be aware of.
Do you think if God was not lumbered with so many petty things
he would have time to use his power for good?
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why would this be arrogant? God knew that His creation would be
useless without optical light.
The following video explains it all.
If this entertains you I'm amazed.
If you watched it you would have seen that it is very funny and true.

Here is another that you will enjoy.
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
2017-02-12 13:35:49 UTC
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:36:00 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God has no way to understand us.
God understands us perfectly but He does not rely upon visible range
light to see us. He exists everywhere throughout the
I can see a problem with that. It would take millions of years for
a thought to propagate from one side of God to the other.
That could account for why God seems to be always confused.
Are you familiar with the idea of quantum entanglements? These
entanglements interact at great distances, instantaneously. That is
they are not restricted to the speed of light. If the mind of God is
comprised of something similar, his thoughts could travel across the
entire cosmos, and even throughout the multiverse, instantly.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
and by means that we don't yet understand, is able
to perceive everything that happens.
How do you know these things?
It isn't a matter of absolute knowledge. It is a matter of my current
assessments based upon that which I do know and can piece together.
This is somewhat like "knowing" my wife loves me. Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every hair on our heads.
The bible says our hairs are numbered. Does God renumber
our hairs every time one falls out or is replaced? If so are the
hairs renumbered from one or are new hairs renumbered ever
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every bird that falls.
That's an odd thing for God to be aware of.
Do you think if God was not lumbered with so many petty things
he would have time to use his power for good?
God's mind is infinite. He cannot be "lumbered" with more than His
mind can cope with, instantly. Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why would this be arrogant? God knew that His creation would be
useless without optical light.
The following video explains it all.
If this entertains you I'm amazed.
If you watched it you would have seen that it is very funny and true.
Here is another that you will enjoy.
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-12 14:08:11 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:36:00 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God has no way to understand us.
God understands us perfectly but He does not rely upon visible range
light to see us. He exists everywhere throughout the
I can see a problem with that. It would take millions of years for
a thought to propagate from one side of God to the other.
That could account for why God seems to be always confused.
Are you familiar with the idea of quantum entanglements? These
entanglements interact at great distances, instantaneously. That is
they are not restricted to the speed of light. If the mind of God is
comprised of something similar, his thoughts could travel across the
entire cosmos, and even throughout the multiverse, instantly.
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-12 15:04:45 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:36:00 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God has no way to understand us.
God understands us perfectly but He does not rely upon visible range
light to see us. He exists everywhere throughout the
I can see a problem with that. It would take millions of years for
a thought to propagate from one side of God to the other.
That could account for why God seems to be always confused.
Are you familiar with the idea of quantum entanglements?
Enough to know that your attempts to use them as justification for your
god proves what an idiot and liar you are. And that the person you lie
to most is yourself if you have to twist yourself into such a tight
pretzel to keep any doubts from your mind.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-12 16:34:36 UTC
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 07:04:45 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:36:00 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God has no way to understand us.
God understands us perfectly but He does not rely upon visible range
light to see us. He exists everywhere throughout the
I can see a problem with that. It would take millions of years for
a thought to propagate from one side of God to the other.
That could account for why God seems to be always confused.
Are you familiar with the idea of quantum entanglements?
Enough to know that your attempts to use them as justification for your
god proves what an idiot and liar you are. And that the person you lie
to most is yourself if you have to twist yourself into such a tight
pretzel to keep any doubts from your mind.
Does he really believe his neverending, transparently nonsensical
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-13 04:05:10 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 07:04:45 -0800, Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:36:00 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God has no way to understand us.
God understands us perfectly but He does not rely upon visible range
light to see us. He exists everywhere throughout the
I can see a problem with that. It would take millions of years for
a thought to propagate from one side of God to the other.
That could account for why God seems to be always confused.
Are you familiar with the idea of quantum entanglements?
Enough to know that your attempts to use them as justification for your
god proves what an idiot and liar you are. And that the person you lie
to most is yourself if you have to twist yourself into such a tight
pretzel to keep any doubts from your mind.
Does he really believe his neverending, transparently nonsensical
He has to.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-12 18:57:29 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:36:00 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God has no way to understand us.
God understands us perfectly but He does not rely upon visible range
light to see us. He exists everywhere throughout the
I can see a problem with that. It would take millions of years for
a thought to propagate from one side of God to the other.
That could account for why God seems to be always confused.
Are you familiar with the idea of quantum entanglements? These
entanglements interact at great distances, instantaneously. That is
they are not restricted to the speed of light. If the mind of God is
comprised of something similar, his thoughts could travel across the
entire cosmos, and even throughout the multiverse, instantly.
The multiverse is no more scientific than your God.
Evolution is not an intelligent process.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
and by means that we don't yet understand, is able
to perceive everything that happens.
How do you know these things?
It isn't a matter of absolute knowledge. It is a matter of my current
assessments based upon that which I do know and can piece together.
This is somewhat like "knowing" my wife loves me. Gordon
The bible describes God as having the simple mind of the goat herders
that created it.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every hair on our heads.
The bible says our hairs are numbered. Does God renumber
our hairs every time one falls out or is replaced? If so are the
hairs renumbered from one or are new hairs renumbered ever
I'd really like to know.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every bird that falls.
That's an odd thing for God to be aware of.
Do you think if God was not lumbered with so many petty things
he would have time to use his power for good?
God's mind is infinite. He cannot be "lumbered" with more than His
mind can cope with, instantly. Gordon
Not instantly. It would take millions of years for a thought to
propagate from one side of God's mind to the other.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why would this be arrogant? God knew that His creation would be
useless without optical light.
The following video explains it all.
I 'd like to hear your thoughts on the video.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
If this entertains you I'm amazed.
If you watched it you would have seen that it is very funny and true.
Here is another that you will enjoy.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on that one too.
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
2017-02-12 23:55:13 UTC
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 05:57:29 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:36:00 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God has no way to understand us.
God understands us perfectly but He does not rely upon visible range
light to see us. He exists everywhere throughout the
I can see a problem with that. It would take millions of years for
a thought to propagate from one side of God to the other.
That could account for why God seems to be always confused.
Are you familiar with the idea of quantum entanglements? These
entanglements interact at great distances, instantaneously. That is
they are not restricted to the speed of light. If the mind of God is
comprised of something similar, his thoughts could travel across the
entire cosmos, and even throughout the multiverse, instantly.
The multiverse is no more scientific than your God.
Evolution is not an intelligent process.
Both are scientific ideas or theorems. They seem to merit further
studies but may never be proven. Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
and by means that we don't yet understand, is able
to perceive everything that happens.
How do you know these things?
It isn't a matter of absolute knowledge. It is a matter of my current
assessments based upon that which I do know and can piece together.
This is somewhat like "knowing" my wife loves me. Gordon
The bible describes God as having the simple mind of the goat herders
that created it.
Rephrase this to read God's information was given to primitive humans
in a format that they could understand and grasp the embedded meanings
from. We don't have any difficulty tuning our thinking back to
something at the level of those goat herders, but they could never
have comprehended God's information had He given it to them in our
modern scientific form. Would this have been equally fair to all of
us? Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every hair on our heads.
The bible says our hairs are numbered. Does God renumber
our hairs every time one falls out or is replaced? If so are the
hairs renumbered from one or are new hairs renumbered ever
I'd really like to know.
Don't blow a fuse about things like this. The embedded meaning is that
there is nothing so insignificant that God is not aware of it. It
tells us that God's awareness far exceeds that of any of us. You may
not know when a hair falls from your head but God does...not only a
hair from your head but any hair from the head of any and all of us.

Read this and other Bible passages as a simple story that provides a
complex level of information to us if we want to receive this complex
meaning, or if we choose to reject it we have that option. Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every bird that falls.
That's an odd thing for God to be aware of.
Do you think if God was not lumbered with so many petty things
he would have time to use his power for good?
God's mind is infinite. He cannot be "lumbered" with more than His
mind can cope with, instantly. Gordon
Not instantly. It would take millions of years for a thought to
propagate from one side of God's mind to the other.
Not at quantum entanglement speed!
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why would this be arrogant? God knew that His creation would be
useless without optical light.
The following video explains it all.
I 'd like to hear your thoughts on the video.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
If this entertains you I'm amazed.
If you watched it you would have seen that it is very funny and true.
Here is another that you will enjoy.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on that one too.
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-13 04:00:57 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 05:57:29 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
The multiverse is no more scientific than your God.
Both are scientific ideas or theorems. They seem to merit further
studies but may never be proven. Gordon
Neither the multiverse nor your God have any evidence.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
and by means that we don't yet understand, is able
to perceive everything that happens.
How do you know these things?
It isn't a matter of absolute knowledge. It is a matter of my current
assessments based upon that which I do know and can piece together.
This is somewhat like "knowing" my wife loves me. Gordon
The bible describes God as having the simple mind of the goat herders
that created it.
Rephrase this to read God's information was given to primitive humans
in a format that they could understand and grasp the embedded meanings
Only if the embedded meaning is that God is deceiving us.
Post by Gordon
We don't have any difficulty tuning our thinking back to
something at the level of those goat herders, but they could never
have comprehended God's information had He given it to them in our
modern scientific form. Would this have been equally fair to all of
us? Gordon
I think Mark 12:24 applies here.
Do you really think our creator is incapable of giving us life saving
and life enhancing information? Is it really better that people
continue to die out of ignorance?

Can you understand why I say you have no empathy?
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every hair on our heads.
The bible says our hairs are numbered. Does God renumber
our hairs every time one falls out or is replaced? If so are the
hairs renumbered from one or are new hairs renumbered ever
I'd really like to know.
Don't blow a fuse about things like this. The embedded meaning is that
there is nothing so insignificant that God is not aware of it. It
tells us that God's awareness far exceeds that of any of us. You may
not know when a hair falls from your head but God does...not only a
hair from your head but any hair from the head of any and all of us.
Read this and other Bible passages as a simple story that provides a
complex level of information to us if we want to receive this complex
meaning, or if we choose to reject it we have that option. Gordon
You do err, because you know not the scriptures, neither the power
of God.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every bird that falls.
That's an odd thing for God to be aware of.
Do you think if God was not lumbered with so many petty things
he would have time to use his power for good?
God's mind is infinite. He cannot be "lumbered" with more than His
mind can cope with, instantly. Gordon
Not instantly. It would take millions of years for a thought to
propagate from one side of God's mind to the other.
Not at quantum entanglement speed!
You have been watching too much StarTrek.
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-13 04:02:18 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 05:57:29 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:36:00 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God has no way to understand us.
God understands us perfectly but He does not rely upon visible range
light to see us. He exists everywhere throughout the
I can see a problem with that. It would take millions of years for
a thought to propagate from one side of God to the other.
That could account for why God seems to be always confused.
Are you familiar with the idea of quantum entanglements? These
entanglements interact at great distances, instantaneously. That is
they are not restricted to the speed of light. If the mind of God is
comprised of something similar, his thoughts could travel across the
entire cosmos, and even throughout the multiverse, instantly.
The multiverse is no more scientific than your God.
Evolution is not an intelligent process.
Both are scientific ideas or theorems. They seem to merit further
studies but may never be proven. Gordon
And when that becomes apparent, the hypotheses will be dropped.

Why haven't you dropped your belief in your god since there's never been
even a tiny piece of evidence to support its existence, not in thousands
of years.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
2017-02-13 02:24:55 UTC
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
The following video explains it all.
I 'd like to hear your thoughts on the video.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
If this entertains you I'm amazed.
If you watched it you would have seen that it is very funny and true.
Here is another that you will enjoy.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on that one too.
Gordon has thoughts? Who knew?
The godless one. a.a.# 2279
All gods are tailored to order. They're made to
exactly fit the prejudices of their believers.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-12 07:30:53 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God has no way to understand us.
God understands us perfectly but He does not rely upon visible range
light to see us. He exists everywhere throughout the
I can see a problem with that. It would take millions of years for
a thought to propagate from one side of God to the other.
That could account for why God seems to be always confused.
Post by Gordon
and by means that we don't yet understand, is able
to perceive everything that happens.
How do you know these things?
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every hair on our heads.
The bible says our hairs are numbered. Does God renumber
our hairs every time one falls out or is replaced? If so are the
hairs renumbered from one or are new hairs renumbered ever
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every bird that falls.
That's an odd thing for God to be aware of.
Do you think if God was not lumbered with so many petty things
he would have time to use his power for good?
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why would this be arrogant? God knew that His creation would be
useless without optical light.
The following video explains it all.
If this entertains you I'm amazed.
If you watched it you would have seen that it is very funny and true.

Here is another that you will enjoy.
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
2017-02-12 13:44:01 UTC
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea. God is not responsible for any
form of our miscreant behavior. Satan is the chief honcho in these
matters. Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
That means God created the heavens and the earth IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!
God doesn't need photons to give Him light. He isn't a physical,
carnal being such as we are. Do you get the light of what I'm saying
You are saying God has no way to understand us.
God understands us perfectly but He does not rely upon visible range
light to see us. He exists everywhere throughout the
I can see a problem with that. It would take millions of years for
a thought to propagate from one side of God to the other.
That could account for why God seems to be always confused.
Post by Gordon
and by means that we don't yet understand, is able
to perceive everything that happens.
How do you know these things?
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every hair on our heads.
The bible says our hairs are numbered. Does God renumber
our hairs every time one falls out or is replaced? If so are the
hairs renumbered from one or are new hairs renumbered ever
Post by Gordon
He is aware of every bird that falls.
That's an odd thing for God to be aware of.
Do you think if God was not lumbered with so many petty things
he would have time to use his power for good?
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why would this be arrogant? God knew that His creation would be
useless without optical light.
The following video explains it all.
If this entertains you I'm amazed.
If you watched it you would have seen that it is very funny and true.
Here is another that you will enjoy.
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-12 14:09:14 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea. God is not responsible for any
form of our miscreant behavior. Satan is the chief honcho in these
matters. Gordon
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-12 15:03:34 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea. God is not responsible for any
form of our miscreant behavior. Satan is the chief honcho in these
matters. Gordon
Bullshit. Your god created your satan and sent him into the world to
cause trouble. And your god gets his jollies watching all the people
suffer. After all, this is the same god who makes a bet with the devil
and watches Job suffer horrible things; that must have been the best fun
your god had in years and years.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-12 19:12:16 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:58:41 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:14:39 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Those first few verses of Genesis could not have been talking about
this planet earth we live on. The sun and this planet hadn't yet been
Just my thinking, but it does seem to fit much better than a simple
literal interpretation of those Bible passages. Gordon
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea.
No one being could be as evil as the bible says God is, so God
must be a metaphor for how low a human can sink if given
absolute power.
Post by Gordon
God is not responsible for any form of our miscreant behavior.
I thought you said God created everything.
Post by Gordon
Satan is the chief honcho in these matters.
I could say you are evil for trying to blame a created being who
could only be the way God made him. Satan is just as much a
victim of God as are we.
For that reason I think we should leave Satan out of this discussion.
We talked about this before.

God should be held responsible for everything he created which
is everything.
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
2017-02-12 23:43:58 UTC
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:12:16 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea.
No one being could be as evil as the bible says God is, so God
must be a metaphor for how low a human can sink if given
absolute power.
Post by Gordon
God is not responsible for any form of our miscreant behavior.
I thought you said God created everything.
Yes, God created everything then he granted His created beings a level
of sovereignty. This sets their thinking and actions apart from God's
control. Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Satan is the chief honcho in these matters.
I could say you are evil for trying to blame a created being who
could only be the way God made him. Satan is just as much a
victim of God as are we.
For that reason I think we should leave Satan out of this discussion.
We talked about this before.
God should be held responsible for everything he created which
is everything.
If this were so, none of us would ever have anything approaching
sovereign will. Is this what you would prefer? Gordon
Christopher A. Lee
2017-02-13 00:05:24 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:12:16 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea.
No one being could be as evil as the bible says God is, so God
must be a metaphor for how low a human can sink if given
absolute power.
Post by Gordon
God is not responsible for any form of our miscreant behavior.
I thought you said God created everything.
Yes, God created everything then he granted His created beings a level
Prove it, liar.

And when you can't, keep your stupidity where it belongs.
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-13 03:05:23 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:12:16 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea.
No one being could be as evil as the bible says God is, so God
must be a metaphor for how low a human can sink if given
absolute power.
Post by Gordon
God is not responsible for any form of our miscreant behavior.
I thought you said God created everything.
Yes, God created everything then he granted His created beings a level
of sovereignty. This sets their thinking and actions apart from God's
control. Gordon
You say it was God who granted His created beings a level of
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Satan is the chief honcho in these matters.
I could say you are evil for trying to blame a created being who
could only be the way God made him. Satan is just as much a
victim of God as are we.
For that reason I think we should leave Satan out of this discussion.
We talked about this before.
God should be held responsible for everything he created which
is everything.
If this were so, none of us would ever have anything approaching
sovereign will. Is this what you would prefer? Gordon
Are you saying God would punish us if we call upon him to
accept responsibility for his actions?
How could we trust such a God to give us true free will?
True sovereign will could not work in heaven.
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-13 04:03:32 UTC
Post by Gordon
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:12:16 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea.
No one being could be as evil as the bible says God is, so God
must be a metaphor for how low a human can sink if given
absolute power.
Post by Gordon
God is not responsible for any form of our miscreant behavior.
I thought you said God created everything.
Yes, God created everything then he granted His created beings a level
of sovereignty. This sets their thinking and actions apart from God's
control. Gordon
Your god is supposed to be omniscient, meaning it knows everything that
has happened, is happening, and will happen. Since it purportedly knows
everything that WILL happen, there's no such thing as free will.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
2017-02-14 07:25:10 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:12:16 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea.
No one being could be as evil as the bible says God is, so God
must be a metaphor for how low a human can sink if given
absolute power.
Post by Gordon
God is not responsible for any form of our miscreant behavior.
I thought you said God created everything.
Yes, God created everything then he granted His created beings a level
of sovereignty. This sets their thinking and actions apart from God's
control. Gordon
Your god is supposed to be omniscient, meaning it knows everything that
has happened, is happening, and will happen. Since it purportedly knows
everything that WILL happen, there's no such thing as free will.
That would depend on how you understand free will. From God's point of
view, there is no free will. The good will be proven to be good. The
evil will be proven to evil. Form man's point of view, there is a free
will because all must choose to know good and evil. So free will is only
an illusion of this physical existence. To overcome such illusion, we
have to follow God's will by following the faith in our own heart.
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-14 07:44:16 UTC
Post by aaa
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:12:16 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea.
No one being could be as evil as the bible says God is, so God
must be a metaphor for how low a human can sink if given
absolute power.
Post by Gordon
God is not responsible for any form of our miscreant behavior.
I thought you said God created everything.
Yes, God created everything then he granted His created beings a level
of sovereignty. This sets their thinking and actions apart from God's
control. Gordon
Your god is supposed to be omniscient, meaning it knows everything that
has happened, is happening, and will happen. Since it purportedly knows
everything that WILL happen, there's no such thing as free will.
That would depend on how you understand free will. From God's point of
view, there is no free will.
That's because God determined how our brain worked.
Post by aaa
The good will be proven to be good. The evil will be proven to evil.
God already knows who he made good and who he made evil.
Post by aaa
From man's point of view, there is a free
will because all must choose to know good and evil. So free will is only
an illusion of this physical existence.
Too bad physical is all we have.
Post by aaa
To overcome such illusion, we
have to follow God's will by following the faith in our own heart.
The faith that told a woman to drown her five children.
The faith that fuels ISAS.
You are evil in that you have no empathy but you didn't choose
that. God have you a faulty brain.
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
2017-02-14 07:59:47 UTC
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:12:16 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea.
No one being could be as evil as the bible says God is, so God
must be a metaphor for how low a human can sink if given
absolute power.
Post by Gordon
God is not responsible for any form of our miscreant behavior.
I thought you said God created everything.
Yes, God created everything then he granted His created beings a level
of sovereignty. This sets their thinking and actions apart from God's
control. Gordon
Your god is supposed to be omniscient, meaning it knows everything that
has happened, is happening, and will happen. Since it purportedly knows
everything that WILL happen, there's no such thing as free will.
That would depend on how you understand free will. From God's point of
view, there is no free will.
That's because God determined how our brain worked.
Post by aaa
The good will be proven to be good. The evil will be proven to evil.
God already knows who he made good and who he made evil.
Post by aaa
From man's point of view, there is a free
will because all must choose to know good and evil. So free will is only
an illusion of this physical existence.
Too bad physical is all we have.
No. We are intelligent. We can better understand the physical world and
the spiritual reality of God by studying our own intelligence that has
enabled us to understand everything. It's a study of what exists within
us. It's called philosophy and spirituality.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
To overcome such illusion, we
have to follow God's will by following the faith in our own heart.
The faith that told a woman to drown her five children.
The faith that fuels ISAS.
You are evil in that you have no empathy but you didn't choose
that. God have you a faulty brain.
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-14 09:49:39 UTC
Post by aaa
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:12:16 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea.
No one being could be as evil as the bible says God is, so God
must be a metaphor for how low a human can sink if given
absolute power.
Post by Gordon
God is not responsible for any form of our miscreant behavior.
I thought you said God created everything.
Yes, God created everything then he granted His created beings a level
of sovereignty. This sets their thinking and actions apart from God's
control. Gordon
Your god is supposed to be omniscient, meaning it knows everything that
has happened, is happening, and will happen. Since it purportedly knows
everything that WILL happen, there's no such thing as free will.
That would depend on how you understand free will. From God's point of
view, there is no free will.
That's because God determined how our brain worked.
Post by aaa
The good will be proven to be good. The evil will be proven to evil.
God already knows who he made good and who he made evil.
Post by aaa
From man's point of view, there is a free
will because all must choose to know good and evil. So free will is only
an illusion of this physical existence.
Too bad physical is all we have.
No. We are intelligent.
We have a physical brain that contains everything that makes us,
including our intelligence.
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Post by aaa
We can better understand the physical world and
the spiritual reality of God by studying our own intelligence that has
enabled us to understand everything.
We understand there is no spiritual reality.
Post by aaa
It's a study of what exists within us. It's called philosophy and
What do you think determines how intelligent you are?
Do you know what a savant is?
The idea of God is just an exagurated version of yourself
Ed Cartwright
2017-02-14 10:02:27 UTC
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:12:16 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea.
No one being could be as evil as the bible says God is, so God
must be a metaphor for how low a human can sink if given
absolute power.
Post by Gordon
God is not responsible for any form of our miscreant behavior.
I thought you said God created everything.
Yes, God created everything then he granted His created beings a level
of sovereignty. This sets their thinking and actions apart from God's
control. Gordon
Your god is supposed to be omniscient, meaning it knows everything that
has happened, is happening, and will happen. Since it purportedly knows
everything that WILL happen, there's no such thing as free will.
That would depend on how you understand free will. From God's point of
view, there is no free will.
That's because God determined how our brain worked.
Post by aaa
The good will be proven to be good. The evil will be proven to evil.
God already knows who he made good and who he made evil.
Post by aaa
From man's point of view, there is a free
will because all must choose to know good and evil. So free will is only
an illusion of this physical existence.
Too bad physical is all we have.
No. We are intelligent.
We have a physical brain that contains everything that makes us,
including our intelligence.
That is your assumption, presented as if it were a fact. It certainly is
not a supportable claim.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Post by aaa
We can better understand the physical world and
the spiritual reality of God by studying our own intelligence that has
enabled us to understand everything.
We understand there is no spiritual reality.
That is another assumption presented as fact and certainly not a
supportable claim.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
It's a study of what exists within us. It's called philosophy and
What do you think determines how intelligent you are?
Presenting one's unsupportable assumptions as if they were fact is a
definite sign of a lack of intelligence.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Do you know what a savant is?
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-14 10:16:25 UTC
On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 02:02:27 -0800, Ed Cartwright
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:12:16 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea.
No one being could be as evil as the bible says God is, so God
must be a metaphor for how low a human can sink if given
absolute power.
Post by Gordon
God is not responsible for any form of our miscreant behavior.
I thought you said God created everything.
Yes, God created everything then he granted His created beings a level
of sovereignty. This sets their thinking and actions apart from God's
control. Gordon
Your god is supposed to be omniscient, meaning it knows everything that
has happened, is happening, and will happen. Since it purportedly knows
everything that WILL happen, there's no such thing as free will.
That would depend on how you understand free will. From God's point of
view, there is no free will.
That's because God determined how our brain worked.
Post by aaa
The good will be proven to be good. The evil will be proven to evil.
God already knows who he made good and who he made evil.
Post by aaa
From man's point of view, there is a free
will because all must choose to know good and evil. So free will is only
an illusion of this physical existence.
Too bad physical is all we have.
No. We are intelligent.
We have a physical brain that contains everything that makes us,
including our intelligence.
That is your assumption, presented as if it were a fact. It certainly is
not a supportable claim.
Do you believe in a God that created everything?
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Post by aaa
We can better understand the physical world and
the spiritual reality of God by studying our own intelligence that has
enabled us to understand everything.
We understand there is no spiritual reality.
That is another assumption presented as fact and certainly not a
supportable claim.
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
It's a study of what exists within us. It's called philosophy and
What do you think determines how intelligent you are?
Presenting one's unsupportable assumptions as if they were fact is a
definite sign of a lack of intelligence.
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Do you know what a savant is?
Do you know what a savant is?
Ed Cartwright
2017-02-14 10:32:35 UTC
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 02:02:27 -0800, Ed Cartwright
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:12:16 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea.
No one being could be as evil as the bible says God is, so God
must be a metaphor for how low a human can sink if given
absolute power.
Post by Gordon
God is not responsible for any form of our miscreant behavior.
I thought you said God created everything.
Yes, God created everything then he granted His created beings a level
of sovereignty. This sets their thinking and actions apart from God's
control. Gordon
Your god is supposed to be omniscient, meaning it knows everything that
has happened, is happening, and will happen. Since it purportedly knows
everything that WILL happen, there's no such thing as free will.
That would depend on how you understand free will. From God's point of
view, there is no free will.
That's because God determined how our brain worked.
Post by aaa
The good will be proven to be good. The evil will be proven to evil.
God already knows who he made good and who he made evil.
Post by aaa
From man's point of view, there is a free
will because all must choose to know good and evil. So free will is only
an illusion of this physical existence.
Too bad physical is all we have.
No. We are intelligent.
We have a physical brain that contains everything that makes us,
including our intelligence.
That is your assumption, presented as if it were a fact. It certainly is
not a supportable claim.
Do you believe in a God that created everything?
That is irrelevant to you presenting your assumptions as if they were facts.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Post by aaa
We can better understand the physical world and
the spiritual reality of God by studying our own intelligence that has
enabled us to understand everything.
We understand there is no spiritual reality.
That is another assumption presented as fact and certainly not a
supportable claim.
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Again, those are irrelevant to your presentation of your assumptions as
if they were facts.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
It's a study of what exists within us. It's called philosophy and
What do you think determines how intelligent you are?
Presenting one's unsupportable assumptions as if they were fact is a
definite sign of a lack of intelligence.
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Do you know what a savant is?
Do you know what a savant is?

Perhaps if you say what it is you are driving at with those questions
then I might answer them, but I see no point in doing so without proper
context, especially since you seem to be pushing a barrow full of
assumptions you can neither prove nor support.
Lucifer Morningstar
2017-02-14 11:27:25 UTC
On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 02:32:35 -0800, Ed Cartwright
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 02:02:27 -0800, Ed Cartwright
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
We have a physical brain that contains everything that makes us,
including our intelligence.
That is your assumption, presented as if it were a fact. It certainly is
not a supportable claim.
Do you believe in a God that created everything?
That is irrelevant to you presenting your assumptions as if they were facts.
If you do believe in a God that created everything that would be your
reason for denying known and proven facts.
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Post by aaa
We can better understand the physical world and
the spiritual reality of God by studying our own intelligence that has
enabled us to understand everything.
We understand there is no spiritual reality.
That is another assumption presented as fact and certainly not a
supportable claim.
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Again, those are irrelevant to your presentation of your assumptions as
if they were facts.
A child think and acts like a child because their brain is not
fully developed.
A Down's Syndrome adult thinks and acts like a child because
their brain is not fully developed.
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
It's a study of what exists within us. It's called philosophy and
What do you think determines how intelligent you are?
Presenting one's unsupportable assumptions as if they were fact is a
definite sign of a lack of intelligence.
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
How your brain functions determines how intelligent you are.

Do you know what an MRI is?
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Do you know what a savant is?
Do you know what a savant is?
Perhaps if you say what it is you are driving at with those questions
then I might answer them, but I see no point in doing so without proper
context, especially since you seem to be pushing a barrow full of
assumptions you can neither prove nor support.
A savant is a person who has a low IQ but can do something
mentally that a normal person can't, such as remembering
every detail of every baseball match or doing complicated
calculations in their head (brain) immediately.

There is really no point in pretending you don't know the brain
contains everything that makes "you" and that you will cease to
exist when your brain activity ceases.

While we don't know everything about the brain we do know that
brain damage or drugs may change a person's thinking completely.

A normal trustworthy family man suddenly took an interest in porn
including child porn. He had a brain scan and they found a tumor
which when removed made his behaviour back to that of the normal
family man.
Ed Cartwright
2017-02-14 12:00:10 UTC
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 02:32:35 -0800, Ed Cartwright
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 02:02:27 -0800, Ed Cartwright
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
We have a physical brain that contains everything that makes us,
including our intelligence.
That is your assumption, presented as if it were a fact. It certainly is
not a supportable claim.
Do you believe in a God that created everything?
That is irrelevant to you presenting your assumptions as if they were facts.
If you do believe in a God that created everything that would be your
reason for denying known and proven facts.
There you go with your wrong assumptions again. To deny your made up
facts is to deny your made up facts because your made up facts are made
up. And if they are known and proven facts, you can post a quotes and
references from peer-reviewed journals, can't you? So, let's see these
proofs of your facts.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Post by aaa
We can better understand the physical world and
the spiritual reality of God by studying our own intelligence that has
enabled us to understand everything.
We understand there is no spiritual reality.
That is another assumption presented as fact and certainly not a
supportable claim.
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Again, those are irrelevant to your presentation of your assumptions as
if they were facts.
A child think and acts like a child because their brain is not
fully developed.
No shit?
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
A Down's Syndrome adult thinks and acts like a child because
their brain is not fully developed.
No doubt that's one of those proven facts of yours, so again, post a
quote and a reference from peer-reviewed journal stating that the brain
of people with Down syndrome is not fully developed. I will not accept
anything other than a direct quote using the word undeveloped in
relation the Down syndrome brain.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
It's a study of what exists within us. It's called philosophy and
What do you think determines how intelligent you are?
Presenting one's unsupportable assumptions as if they were fact is a
definite sign of a lack of intelligence.
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
How your brain functions determines how intelligent you are.
There are competing theories about the source of intelligence, not just
the one you're pushing.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Do you know what an MRI is?
Oh, you're not one of those believers in correlation proves causation,
are you?
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Do you know what a savant is?
Do you know what a savant is?
Perhaps if you say what it is you are driving at with those questions
then I might answer them, but I see no point in doing so without proper
context, especially since you seem to be pushing a barrow full of
assumptions you can neither prove nor support.
A savant is a person who has a low IQ but can do something
mentally that a normal person can't, such as remembering
every detail of every baseball match or doing complicated
calculations in their head (brain) immediately.
No shit?
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
There is really no point in pretending you don't know the brain
contains everything that makes "you" and that you will cease to
exist when your brain activity ceases.
Don't try emotional tricks, they won't work. You need to provide
evidence for your claims. Though I won't be surprised if you can't.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
While we don't know everything about the brain we do know that
brain damage or drugs may change a person's thinking completely.
You just blew your own claim out of the water. If it true that "we don't
know everything about the brain", which is an assertion of incomplete
knowledge, then it false that "we have a physical brain that contains
everything that makes us" because it asserts completeness of knowledge.
Besides, logic dictates we cannot know everything about the brain
because the brain is both the system under inspection and the system
performing the inspection. I suggest you read about incompleteness
theorem and what it means for the limits of knowledge.

You can't have it both ways, so let's have your scientific evidence to
support your claims:

1) We have a physical brain that contains everything that makes us,
including our intelligence.

2) A Down's Syndrome adult thinks and acts like a child because their
brain is not fully developed.

Evidence, please. Quoted and cited, from peer-reviewed journals, thank you.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
A normal trustworthy family man suddenly took an interest in porn
including child porn. He had a brain scan and they found a tumor
which when removed made his behaviour back to that of the normal
family man.
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-14 12:47:14 UTC
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 02:32:35 -0800, Ed Cartwright
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 02:02:27 -0800, Ed Cartwright
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
We have a physical brain that contains everything that makes us,
including our intelligence.
That is your assumption, presented as if it were a fact. It certainly is
not a supportable claim.
Do you believe in a God that created everything?
That is irrelevant to you presenting your assumptions as if they were facts.
If you do believe in a God that created everything that would be your
reason for denying known and proven facts.
There you go with your wrong assumptions again. To deny your made up
facts is to deny your made up facts because your made up facts are made
up. And if they are known and proven facts, you can post a quotes and
references from peer-reviewed journals, can't you? So, let's see these
proofs of your facts.
Posted here hundreds, maybe thousands, of times. I'm sure they'll be
quite easy to find if you actually wish to read them. They're easily
available--most journal articles are behind pay walls, but they almost
always let you read the abstract of the article, which is usually the
least math-heavy section, anyway, and it gives you an idea of some good
search terms to look for more info.

Oh, dear, did it get warm in here? Poor fools that don't know searching
out and finding new knowledge is so exciting. Sad.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-14 13:03:54 UTC
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 02:32:35 -0800, Ed Cartwright
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 02:02:27 -0800, Ed Cartwright
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
We have a physical brain that contains everything that makes us,
including our intelligence.
That is your assumption, presented as if it were a fact. It certainly is
not a supportable claim.
Do you believe in a God that created everything?
That is irrelevant to you presenting your assumptions as if they were facts.
If you do believe in a God that created everything that would be your
reason for denying known and proven facts.
There you go with your wrong assumptions again. To deny your made up
facts is to deny your made up facts because your made up facts are made
up. And if they are known and proven facts, you can post a quotes and
references from peer-reviewed journals, can't you? So, let's see these
proofs of your facts.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Post by aaa
We can better understand the physical world and
the spiritual reality of God by studying our own intelligence that has
enabled us to understand everything.
We understand there is no spiritual reality.
That is another assumption presented as fact and certainly not a
supportable claim.
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
Again, those are irrelevant to your presentation of your assumptions as
if they were facts.
A child think and acts like a child because their brain is not
fully developed.
No shit?
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
A Down's Syndrome adult thinks and acts like a child because
their brain is not fully developed.
No doubt that's one of those proven facts of yours, so again, post a
quote and a reference from peer-reviewed journal stating that the brain
of people with Down syndrome is not fully developed. I will not accept
anything other than a direct quote using the word undeveloped in
relation the Down syndrome brain.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
It's a study of what exists within us. It's called philosophy and
What do you think determines how intelligent you are?
Presenting one's unsupportable assumptions as if they were fact is a
definite sign of a lack of intelligence.
Why does a child think and act like a child?
Why does a Down's Syndrome adult think and act like a child?
How your brain functions determines how intelligent you are.
There are competing theories about the source of intelligence, not just
the one you're pushing.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Do you know what an MRI is?
Oh, you're not one of those believers in correlation proves causation,
are you?
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Do you know what a savant is?
Do you know what a savant is?
Perhaps if you say what it is you are driving at with those questions
then I might answer them, but I see no point in doing so without proper
context, especially since you seem to be pushing a barrow full of
assumptions you can neither prove nor support.
A savant is a person who has a low IQ but can do something
mentally that a normal person can't, such as remembering
every detail of every baseball match or doing complicated
calculations in their head (brain) immediately.
No shit?
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
There is really no point in pretending you don't know the brain
contains everything that makes "you" and that you will cease to
exist when your brain activity ceases.
Don't try emotional tricks, they won't work. You need to provide
evidence for your claims. Though I won't be surprised if you can't.
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
While we don't know everything about the brain we do know that
brain damage or drugs may change a person's thinking completely.
You just blew your own claim out of the water. If it true that "we don't
know everything about the brain", which is an assertion of incomplete
knowledge, then it false that "we have a physical brain that contains
everything that makes us" because it asserts completeness of knowledge.
Only to someone who is obviously completely ignorant of how science

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-14 12:37:35 UTC
Post by Ed Cartwright
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by aaa
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Gordon
On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:12:16 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:30:53 +1100, Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
Post by Gordon
Post by Lucifer Morningstar
They also used "God" to represent the very worst of humanity.
I don't see where you get this idea.
No one being could be as evil as the bible says God is, so God
must be a metaphor for how low a human can sink if given
absolute power.
Post by Gordon
God is not responsible for any form of our miscreant behavior.
I thought you said God created everything.
Yes, God created everything then he granted His created beings a level
of sovereignty. This sets their thinking and actions apart from God's
control. Gordon
Your god is supposed to be omniscient, meaning it knows everything that
has happened, is happening, and will happen. Since it purportedly knows
everything that WILL happen, there's no such thing as free will.
That would depend on how you understand free will. From God's point of
view, there is no free will.
That's because God determined how our brain worked.
Post by aaa
The good will be proven to be good. The evil will be proven to evil.
God already knows who he made good and who he made evil.
Post by aaa
From man's point of view, there is a free
will because all must choose to know good and evil. So free will is only
an illusion of this physical existence.
Too bad physical is all we have.
No. We are intelligent.
We have a physical brain that contains everything that makes us,
including our intelligence.
That is your assumption, presented as if it were a fact. It certainly is
not a supportable claim.
It fits the evidence we have to date. When new evidence is presented,
the assumption will change to fit the new evidence.

There is zero evidence of anything outside the physical. Until some is
provided, it is foolish to pretend your wish scenario is real.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
Jeanne Douglas
2017-02-12 02:16:27 UTC
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Irreverend Dave
Post by Irreverend Dave
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Still not getting that the Earth receives energy from the Sun, are you
Some confusion in this area stems from the fact that the word "earth"
probably meant this universe to those scribes who wrote those
documents that became the Bible. They used the word "world" when they
were talking about this planet we live on.
Thank you for confessing that no god had anything to do with the bible,
that it was written by men who had no idea how the world works.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
2017-02-11 22:01:41 UTC
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome."
~ H.Morris
When we consider that Henry Morris was an engineer and not
a scientist and had no understanding of anything other than
hydraulic engineering, with no understanding of critical
thinking or thermodynamics or biology or evolution the
above quote is quite comical.
Dave, go ahead and list your credentials for us now.

2017-02-12 13:33:04 UTC
Post by Andrew
"The law of increasing entropy is an impenetrable
barrier which no evolutionary mechanism has ever
been able to overcome.
Evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually
exclusive concepts.
If the entropy principle is really a universal law,
then evolution must be impossible.
The very terms themselves express contradictory
concepts. The word "evolution" is derived from
a Latin word meaning "out-rolling". The picture
is that of an outward progressing spiral.
Thus, the Second Law proves, as certainly as
science can prove anything, that the universe had
a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that
the universe could not have begun itself.
The most scientific and logical conclusion to
which we could possibly come to is that: "In
the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth." ~ H.Morris
Post by Andrew
When we consider the laws of thermodynamics
and origins, the above can be the only possible
conclusion for the rational mind. Glory to God.
the dukester, American-American

"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI