Loving Jesus above all things
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2023-05-09 07:59:33 UTC
Loving Jesus above all things

You will make great progress if you keep yourself free from all
temporal cares, for to value anything that is temporal is a great
mistake. Consider nothing great, nothing high, nothing pleasing,
nothing acceptable, except God Himself or that which is of God.
Consider the consolations of creatures as vanity, for the soul that
loves God scorns all things that are inferior to Him. God alone, the
eternal and infinite, satisfies all, bringing comfort to the soul and
true joy to the body.
--Imitation of Christ:--a Kempis Bk II Ch 7

9 May – Blessed Theresa of Jesus/Karolina Gerhardinger

Religious nun, Foundress, Teacher.

Born on 20 June 1797 at Stadtamhof, Bavaria, Germany as Caroline
Gerhardinger and died on 9 May 1879 in München, Bavaria, Germany of
natural causes. She was Beatified on 17 November 1985 by St Pope John
Paul II. Patronages – The School Sisters of Notre Dame and Teachers.
Karolina Gerhardinger was born in Bavaria on 20 June 1797 as the sole
child of Willibard and Franziska Gerhardinger.

Karolina lived during turbulent times in Bavaria. At the age of 15,
she was already a certified teacher in the school for girls in
Stadtamhof near Regensburg. She was a very gifted educator whose
enthusiastic and encouraging acceptance of the children soon made her
a beloved teacher. Under the spiritual guidance of Bishop George
Michael Wittmann (1760-1833), Karolina gradually recognised God’s call
to found a religious community in order to respond to the needs of the
times through education.
On 16 November 1835, Karolina professed her religious vows and took
the name, Mary Theresa of Jesus. Her love for God, nourished and
strengthened by her devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, enkindled the
burning desire of her life: to know God and to do God’s will. God’s
cause was the only concern of her heart. Blessed Theresa anchored her
community in poverty and dedicated it to Mary.

In 1822, Karolina had written, “The love of Jesus sees into the
future.” As foundress, she endeavoured to give the new congregation a
future. She sent her sisters in communities of twos and threes to
small towns and villages where they taught girls who would have been
deprived of an adequate education. This brought about the development
of a new form of apostolic religious life whereby all the sisters and
houses were governed by a member of the congregation, a general
superior. As a result, the congregation experienced rapid growth and
acceptance but Blessed Theresa and her sisters also suffered great
hardship and painful struggle. In 1865, the rule and constitutions of
the School Sisters of Notre Dame were finally approved by Pope Pius
IX. Blessed Theresa then continued to govern the congregation as its
general superior until her death in Munich on May 9, 1879.

On 17 November 1985, Theresa of Jesus was declared “Blessed” by St
Pope John Paul II in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome.


Saint Quote:
“All the works of God proceed slowly and in pain
but then, their roots are the sturdier
and their flowering the lovelier.”
--Karolina Gerhardinger

The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to
you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today
in the city of David, a saviour has been born to you, who is Messiah
and Lord...Luke 2:10-11

Child in the manger. He is our Love. Look at Him, realising that the
whole thing is a mystery. We need to accept this mystery on faith and
use our faith to explore it very deeply. To do this, we must have the
humble attitude of a Christian soul.” …St Josemaría Escrivá

Let us offer to our Mother today:
Small hidden sacrifices,
especially those that go against the grain.

Saint Quote:
Prudence must precede every action which we undertake; for, if
prudence be wanting, there is nothing, however good it may seem, which
is not turned into evil.
-- St. Basil

Bible Quote:
If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but
deceives his heart, his religion is vain. Religion that is pure and
undefiled before God and the Father is this: To care for orphans and
widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
[James 1:26-27] DRB

Prayer of Petition

O Divine Jesus, Thou hast promised that anything we ask of the Eternal
Father in Thy name shall be granted.

O Eternal Father. In the name of Jesus, for the love of Jesus, in
fulfillment of this promise, and because Jesus has said it, grant us
our petitions for the sake of Jesus, Thy Divine Son. Amen.
Master of In/sanity
2023-05-09 09:38:27 UTC
Post by Weedy
Loving Jesus above all things
Isn't god above Jesus even the holy spirit is above Jesus, how can you
love Jesus then above God or the spirit?