We Absolutely Demand Porta Potties And Dumpsters For All Homeless As A Human Right!
(too old to reply)
Intelligent Party
2023-09-04 22:09:43 UTC
All levels of government are culpable and responsible!

San Diego had free trash pickup for homeowners for many years!

"Homeless People Are Without Toilets and Going in the Streets. We Asked the Mayor
of LA Why"

“We simultaneously have to clean up streets, clean up this crap, and build
housing,” Garcetti said. “And if I had the money to do all three, we wouldn’t be
in this place.”

You mean build housing vs. have dumpsters and porta potties? The mayor has no
point here, but makes it sound like he does!

The homeless have nothing to do all day, maybe they'd throw the trash piles in the
dumpsters themselves if the government provided them!

"Garcetti said he might put money in his upcoming city budget for more toilets for
the homeless, but wouldn't say how much."


and why does this go on for centuries?
tesla sTinker ofm minim
2023-12-30 18:40:23 UTC
YOU can certainly blame shit on Joe Biden.
Post by Intelligent Party
All levels of government are culpable and responsible!
San Diego had free trash pickup for homeowners for many years!
"Homeless People Are Without Toilets and Going in the Streets. We Asked
the Mayor of LA Why"
“We simultaneously have to clean up streets, clean up this crap, and
build housing,” Garcetti said. “And if I had the money to do all three,
we wouldn’t be in this place.”
You mean build housing vs. have dumpsters and porta potties? The mayor
has no point here, but makes it sound like he does!
The homeless have nothing to do all day, maybe they'd throw the trash
piles in the dumpsters themselves if the government provided them!
"Garcetti said he might put money in his upcoming city budget for more
toilets for the homeless, but wouldn't say how much."
and why does this go on for centuries?
2023-12-30 19:58:55 UTC
#315 as [#20, #10, #200, #10, #70, #5] = yᵉrîyʻâh (H3407): {UMBRA: #295 %
#41 = #8} 1) *CURTAIN*, *DRAPE*;

<Loading Image...>

[IMAGE (19 MARCH 2010 by artist Riber Hansson a Swedish cartoonist):
JUPITER UNPRINCIPLED - Pope’s role in covering up the Pedophile Priest

26 37 31 41
40 32 34 29
36 27 42 30
33 39 28 35

<Loading Image...>

(1941-1944) IDEA ANCHORS:

[33] -> #80 - LABOURING (CH'IN): 12 - 16 DECEMBER AS IDEA #75 - 13 DECEMBER
[26] -> #12 - YOUTHFULNESS (T'UNG): 9 - 13 FEBRUARY AS IDEA #147 - 10
[34] -> #53 - ETERNITY (YUNG): 13 - 17 AUGUST AS IDEA #290 / #291 - 16
[30] -> #57 - GUARDEDNESS (SHO): 31 AUGUST - 4 SEPTEMBER AS IDEA #306 - 31

There is here an inclusion of several PAPAL MOTIF CARTOONS and one above
which seems to conform to the JUPITER PRINCIPLE HYPOTENUSE ELEMENTS [#33,
#27, #34, #41] which are unequivocally related to REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM
correspondences [#26, #34, #30, #33] as LINEAR TABLE TALK ANCHORS to the
paradigm (@1 / @5 - immaterial elements) equivalence by PYTHAGOREAN #1080 -
HETEROS NUMBER sectarianism to secularism as German FASCISM.

#550 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #337 as [#6, #2, #2, #300, #200, #40] /
#558 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #186 as [#6, #40, #2, #300, #200, #10] /
#1110 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #172 as [#6, #2, #2, #300, #200, #600] /
#1162 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #260 as [#40, #2, #300, #200, #20, #600] =
bâsâr (H1320): {UMBRA: #502 % #41 = #10} 1) flesh; 1a) of the body; 1a1) of
humans; 1a2) of animals; 1b) the body itself; 1c) *MALE* *ORGAN* *OF*
*GENERATION* (*EUPHEMISM*); 1d) kindred, blood-relations; 1e) flesh as
frail or erring (man against God); 1f) all living things; 1g) animals; 1h)

#33 - [49, 75, 62, 22, 22] = [MALE: #230, FEME: #230, ONTIC: #186, DEME:
#186] (*)


#27 - [34, 42, 44, 31, 16] = [MALE: #224, FEME: #167, DEME: #337] (*)


#34 = [22, 43, 34, 65, 63] = [MALE: #172, FEME: #227] (*)


#41 = [29, 42, 73, 51, 31] = [MALE: #260, FEME: #226, ONTIC: #196, DEME:
#315] (*)


#128 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #230 as [#5, #40, #3, #30, #10, #40] = gâlâh
(H1540): {UMBRA: #38 % #41 = #38} 1) to uncover, remove; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
uncover; 1a2) to remove, depart; 1a3) to go into exile; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1)
(reflexive); i) to uncover oneself; ii) to discover or show oneself; iii)
to reveal himself (of God); 1b2) (passive); i) to be uncovered; ii) to be
disclosed, be discovered; iii) to be revealed; 1b3) to be removed; 1c)
(Piel); 1c1) *TO* *UNCOVER* (*NAKEDNESS*); i) nakedness; ii) general; 1c2)
to disclose, discover, lay bare; 1c3) to make known, show, reveal; 1d)
(Pual) to be uncovered; 1e) (Hiphil) to carry away into exile, take into
exile; 1f) (Hophal) to be taken into exile; 1g) (Hithpael); 1g1) to be
uncovered; 1g2) to reveal oneself;

#491 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #167 as [#80, #1, #300, #100, #10] = patḗr
(G3962): {UMBRA: #489 % #41 = #38} 1) generator or male ancestor; 1a)
either the nearest ancestor: father of the corporeal nature, natural
fathers, both parents; 1b) a more remote ancestor, the founder of a family
or tribe, progenitor of a people, forefather: so Abraham is called, Jacob
and David; 1b1) fathers i.e. ancestors, forefathers, founders of a nation;
1c) one advanced in years, a senior; 2) metaph.; 2a) the originator and
transmitter of anything; 2a1) the authors of a family or society of persons
animated by the same spirit as himself; 2a2) one who has infused his own
spirit into others, who actuates and governs their minds; 2b) *ONE* *WHO*
*A* *PATERNAL* *WAY*; 2c) a title of honour; 2c1) teachers, as those to
whom pupils trace back the knowledge and training they have received; 2c2)
the members of the Sanhedrin, whose prerogative it was by virtue of the
wisdom and experience in which they excelled, to take charge of the
interests of others; 2d) God is called the Father; 2d1) of the stars, the
heavenly luminaries, because he is their creator, upholder, ruler; 2d2) of
all rational and intelligent beings, whether angels or men, because he is
their creator, preserver, guardian and protector; i) of spiritual beings
and of all men; 2d3) of Christians, as those who through Christ have been
exalted to a specially close and intimate relationship with God, and who no
longer dread him as a stern judge of sinners, but revere him as their
reconciled and loving Father; 2d4) the Father of Jesus Christ, as one whom
God has united to himself in the closest bond of love and intimacy, made
acquainted with his purposes, appointed to explain and carry out among men
the plan of salvation, and made to share also in his own divine nature; i)
by Jesus Christ himself; ii) by the apostles;

#395 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #186 as [#5, #60, #80, #200, #10, #40] /
#955 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #226 as [#5, #60, #80, #200, #10, #600] /
#956 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #227 as [#6, #60, #80, #200, #10, #600] =
çêpher (H5612): {UMBRA: #340 % #41 = #12} 1) *BOOK*; 2) missive, document,
writing, book; 2a) missive; 2a1) letter (of instruction), written order,
commission, request, written decree; 2b) legal document, certificate of
divorce, deed of purchase, indictment, sign; 2c) book, scroll; 2c1) book of
prophecies; 2c2) *GENEALOGICAL* *REGISTER*; 2c3) law-book; 2c4) book (of
poems); 2c5) book (of kings); 2c6) *BOOKS* *OF* *THE* *CANON*, *SCRIPTURE*;
2c7) record book (of God); 2d) book-learning, writing; 2d1) be able to read
(after verb 'to know');

#794 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #227 as [#40, #6, #300, #2, #6, #400, #40] /
#1378 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #230 as [#40, #6, #300, #2, #400, #10, #20,
#600] = môwshâb (H4186): {UMBRA: #348 % #41 = #20} 1) seat, assembly,
dwelling-place, dwelling, dwellers; 1a) *SEAT*, *SITTING*, those sitting,
sitting company or assembly; 1b) dwelling place, dwelling; 1c) situation,
location; 1d) time of dwelling; 1e) those dwelling, dweller;

#70 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #196 as [#1, #4, #50, #10, #5] /
#116 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #260 as [#1, #4, #6, #50, #10, #5, #40] =
ʼâdôwn (H113): {UMBRA: #61 % #41 = #20} 1) firm, strong, lord, master; 1a)
lord, master; 1a1) reference to men; i) superintendent of household,of
affairs; ii) master; iii) king; 1a2) reference to God; i) the Lord God; ii)
Lord of the whole earth; 1a3) lords, kings; i) reference to men; 1)
proprietor of hill of Samaria; 2) master; 3) husband; 4) prophet; 5)
governor; 6) prince; 7) king; ii) reference to God; 1) Lord of lords
(probably = 'thy husband, Yahweh'); iii) my lord, my master; 1) reference
to men; 11) master; 12) husband; 13) prophet; 14) prince; 15) king; 16)
father; 17) Moses; 18) *PRIEST*; 19) theophanic angel; 110) captain; 111)
general recognition of superiority; 2) reference to God; 21) my Lord,my
Lord and my God; 22) Adonai (parallel with Yahweh);

#258 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #172 as [#5, #1, #200, #2, #10, #40] /
#613 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #315 as [#1, #200, #2, #400, #10] = ʼârab
(H693): {UMBRA: #203 % #41 = #39} 1) *TO* *LIE* *IN* *WAIT*, *AMBUSH*,
*LURK*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to lie in wait; 1a2) ambush (participle as subst);
1b) (Piel) ambushers, liers-in-wait (pl. participle); 1c) (Hiphil) to lay
an ambush;

#165 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #186 as [#5, #50, #5, #4, #100, #1] = enédra
(G1747): {UMBRA: #165 % #41 = #1} 1) a *LYING* *IN* *WAIT*, *AN* *AMBUSH*;

#284 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #186 as [#5, #50, #5, #4, #100, #70, #50] =
énedron (G1749): {UMBRA: #215 % #41 = #10} 1) a *LYING* *IN* *WAIT* *FOR*,

    #167 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 30 DECEMBER 2023 as [#6, #50, #100, #6,
#5] /
#111 as [#100, #6, #5] = qâvâh (H6960): {UMBRA: #111 % #41 = #29} 1) to
wait, look for, hope, expect; 1a) (Qal) waiting (participle); 1b) (Piel);
1b1) to wait or look eagerly for; 1b2) *TO* *LIE* *IN* *WAIT* *FOR*; 1b3)
to wait for, linger for; 1c) to collect, bind together; 1c1) (Niphal) to be

AWE -- IS IT IMITATION (mimesis) OR SUCCEEDING (diádochos)?"


Initial Post 30 December 2023
Post by tesla sTinker ofm minim
YOU can certainly blame shit on Joe Biden.
Post by Intelligent Party
All levels of government are culpable and responsible!
San Diego had free trash pickup for homeowners for many years!
"Homeless People Are Without Toilets and Going in the Streets. We Asked
the Mayor of LA Why"
“We simultaneously have to clean up streets, clean up this crap, and
build housing,” Garcetti said. “And if I had the money to do all three,
we wouldn’t be in this place.”
You mean build housing vs. have dumpsters and porta potties? The mayor
has no point here, but makes it sound like he does!
The homeless have nothing to do all day, maybe they'd throw the trash
piles in the dumpsters themselves if the government provided them!
"Garcetti said he might put money in his upcoming city budget for more
toilets for the homeless, but wouldn't say how much."
and why does this go on for centuries?
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