Get your head unstuck from your Catholic fuckhole.
(too old to reply)
Catholic Paedophiles
2024-04-26 07:16:05 UTC
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 17:15:38 -0500
Real nice, aren't they James?? Tesla, don't you have a war to rage
some where and defenseless non Christians to murder ?
You have it all wrong, fool. Get your head unstuck from your fuckhole.

Except for the Jews they target, Catholics don't murder non-Christians. Catholics murder the real Christians.

Throughout the middle ages the Catholics mass murdered dozens of millions of Christians.

They exterminated entire groups, like the Albigenses and Waldenses.

Repeat after me, and stop saying stupid shit: Catholics are not Christians. Catholics mass murder Christians and Jews.

Papists run massive propaganda campaigns to scapegoat Jews and Christians. When Nero burned Rome, he blamed the Jews and Christians. Same shit, different day.

All the Jew-baiting you see is Roman catholic agents agitating for another war to mass murder Jews and Christians who will not bow to Rome's agents.

The ChristIsKing propaganda is agitprop from Catholic soldiers playing cowboys and indians. Get your head unfucked.
Rod E.
2024-04-26 14:26:24 UTC
Post by Catholic Paedophiles
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 17:15:38 -0500
Real nice, aren't they James?? Tesla, don't you have a war to rage
some where and defenseless non Christians to murder ?
You have it all wrong, fool. Get your head unstuck from your fuckhole.
It looks to me like you have what passes for a head stuck in your
own keyster and apparently you suffocated from the experience.
tesla sTinker ofm minim
2024-04-28 19:04:51 UTC
Post by Catholic Paedophiles
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 17:15:38 -0500
Real nice, aren't they James?? Tesla, don't you have a war to rage
some where and defenseless non Christians to murder ?
You have it all wrong, fool. Get your head unstuck from your fuckhole.
It looks to me like you have what passes for a head stuck in your own
keyster and apparently you suffocated from the experience.
you have to be able to shift gears in circumstance, or the sin is not a
sin, and that would be foul to claim that to Our God. You would think
they would of learned that about judging by now from Jesus, by not
having all the facts before they judge anything. yup, its like you say
here. Congress does this all the time, an when they go in the courtoom
to bitch at each other in argue, the US Constitution does not even come
in the room with them.... And yes, thats a pagan trick too, so they can
keep stealing from us for doing absolute nothing for their pay.
tesla sTinker ofm minim
2024-04-28 19:18:51 UTC
Post by tesla sTinker ofm minim
Post by Catholic Paedophiles
On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 17:15:38 -0500
Real nice, aren't they James?? Tesla, don't you have a war to rage
some where and defenseless non Christians to murder ?
You have it all wrong, fool. Get your head unstuck from your fuckhole.
It looks to me like you have what passes for a head stuck in your own
keyster and apparently you suffocated from the experience.
you have to be able to shift gears in circumstance, or the sin is not a
sin, and that would be foul to claim that to Our God. You would think
they would of learned that about judging by now from Jesus, by not
having all the facts before they judge anything. yup, its like you say
here. Congress does this all the time, an when they go in the courtoom
to bitch at each other in argue, the US Constitution does not even come
in the room with them.... And yes, thats a pagan trick too, so they can
keep stealing from us for doing absolute nothing for their pay.
then they get their same kind on here, to grind it in, just like
hollywood does in the movies, you can do nothing of yourself da?
You need the pagan goddess to get there.
