Easter Blessings
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2024-03-28 23:57:58 UTC
Easter Blessings to any readers.

My last attempt failed again and I am trying again starting at
2010 UTC March 28, 2024, which is Holy Thursday, also
known as Maundy Thursday. I didn’t really want or expect
any correlation with an existing religious holiday, but I guess
since Jesus is one of my minor deities and since I was
initiated as a Catholic (but am now pagan) and since my
parents were devout Catholics, a correlation with Easter
would not be unwelcome. But I still think I may have to
wait until the total solar eclipse (which maybe Sarah McLachlan
could visit here to see; we are not far off the path of
totality), or even until on or about September 5, 2024
(three sunspot cycles after my sun stare) or on or about
January 29, 2025 (seven years plus two sunspot cycles
after my low years started, and which is a a new moon
and Chinese new year at the end of my Dragon year).

I was hoping to go hear Mick Davis at The Black Sheep
on George tonight from 9 p.m. to midnight but if I am
caught up tracking this new attempt I doubt I will go.
(He is the lead singer of The Novaks and of
Mick Davis and the Skinny Jims but plays solo
on Thursday nights, and tonight should be well
attended since Good Friday is a holiday).
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill;
And the hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
2024-03-29 00:43:36 UTC
X-FILES (@GuardianAus) @ 1501 HRS ON 28 MARCH 2024: "RAAF CHAPLAINCY


A US marine who became a Catholic lay chaplain, Johns joined the Royal
Australian Air Force with his wife, Jean, in 2008 from Canada, where they
had also worked in military pastoral care. There they had advocated for
Canadian soldiers deployed in Afghanistan who believed they were being
ordered to ignore the alleged abuse of young boys by local men.

In 2010 he raised concerns within the RAAF about the alleged actions of a
fellow chaplain deployed in the Middle East. The allegations were examined
but he alleges key witnesses were not interviewed. He was never told the

Johns then approached his federal MP, pressing for an inquiry into the
handling of his report.

The then defence minister, Stephen Smith, ordered an inquiry in 2011.

It found the handling “somewhat clumsy” but said the chaplaincy branch had
acted “in good faith”, afforded Johns procedural fairness and upheld
Defence policy. It made no criticism of Johns for his original report.

“On the contrary, it is clear that, as a result of you bringing these
allegations to light, more can be done to facilitate the complaints process
where a genuine concern about the behaviour of a chaplain is held,” the
report said.

Despite this, damaging rumours about him began to spread through the
In 2017 he wrote to the then defence force chief, Air Marshal Mark Binskin.

“Your account of the lack of support provided to you in the wake of
reporting the unacceptable behaviour is disappointing,” Binskin wrote in
reply, praising Johns’ integrity and calling him a highly regarded role

Johns was assured his complaint about how he had been treated was being
investigated and he would be debriefed. Neither occurred. In 2018 he
complained about what he alleged was “intimidatory” correspondence from a
senior chaplain. An examination found against him.

Johns then wrote to Binskin’s successor, Gen Angus Campbell, who ordered
the inspector general of the Australian defence force to investigate his
treatment. Johns said its report endorsed his actions in raising his
original concerns. But he was prevented from revealing its contents.

“In October of 2020, I finally get all the answers to all my questions,”
Johns recounted. “I can’t say what they are, but … I was gobsmacked.”

Johns said the years of stress had tested, though not broken, his faith in
God. But it had destroyed his faith in military chaplains.

“I don’t trust chaplains,” he said. “I particularly don’t trust chaplains
who are in leadership – who wear rank. Categorically, I don’t.”

The former air force chaplain [had] fought for a decade to clear his name
after being obstructed and smeared for trying to report serious allegations
about a colleague’s behaviour has spoken out about his treatment for the
first time, describing the chaplaincy culture as a “wolf pack”.

Ahead of Thursday’s final hearing of the royal commission into defence and
veteran suicide, Joe Johns told Guardian Australia about his years-long
experience after he tried in 2010 to report allegations about another male
chaplain’s behaviour – particularly with women – on operations in the
Middle East.

Johns, who gave evidence to the royal commission in a private session, said
after he had tried to report alleged sexual harassment and irregular
behaviour, the chaplaincy closed ranks and turned on him, trashing his
reputation and seriously damaging his health. At least one other chaplain
outlined a similar experience to the royal commission.

“What makes this the most critical and most concerning is these are people
who are supposed to be the kindest, the best, the most ethical, the most
caring, the go-to people when you are in trouble,” Johns said this week.
“And they’re not. They’re a wolf pack.”



directed towards the COMMONWEALTH (CAESAROPAPISM), given that EASTER SUNDAY
occurs between the TETRA / RANGE Sunday dates #21 - 22 MARCH through #28 -
ANZAC DAY: 25 APRIL (whereas PENTECOST SUNDAY as 49 days thereafter occurs
within Sunday ranges #31 - 10 MAY through #39 - 13 JUNE) within the
Gregorian calendar and may be the 81st through 115th day of common years or
82nd through 116th day of leap years.


PENTECOST SUNDAY AS JUPITER (#38 - SATOR / #33 - TENET (#33 ... #1933 -
metonic cycle) / #34 - ROTAS) PRINCIPLE

[#38 - 8 JUNE 1930, #35 - 24 MAY 1931, #33 - 15 MAY 1932, #37 - 4 JUNE
1933, #34 - 20 MAY 1934]

[#38 - 8 JUNE 2014, #35 - 24 MAY 2015, #33 - 15 MAY 2016, #37 - 4 JUNE 2017
[🎯], #34 - 20 MAY 2018]

[#38 - 8 JUNE 2025, #35 - 24 MAY 2026, #33 - 16 MAY 2027, #37 - 4 JUNE
2028, #34 - 20 MAY 2029]

Note that this #38 - SATOR (#249) / #33 - TENET (#205) / #34 - ROTAS (#161)
PAGAN PRIESTLY CYCLE (ie. the JEWISH / CHRISTIAN cycle is 24x7x13 = 6 x
#364 days x 49 = 6J as 293 x 365.2423 tropical year) TO WHICH THE CATHOLIC
CHURCH HAS EMBODIMENT is then contextually relevant to the Reichskonkordat.

Which ignores the historical precedents (ie. ROMAN CASE LAW BY DECREE OF
CAESAR CLAUDIUS DATED 10 NOVEMBER 41 AD: “… not be disrespectful of the
customs used in the ritual of their GOD, but let [the Jews] USE THEIR
myself, after hearing both sides, have confirmed.”)

In Spring 44 AD, during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, King Herod Agrippa I
had Peter arrested and imprisoned during such time such APOSTLE was still

WHOREDOM [Revelation 17:5]


49 72 9 54 65
12 32 77 14 34
57 23 41 59 25
48 68 5 50 70
17 28 73 10 33

32 77 14
23 41 59
68 5 50


REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM AS IDEA #110 - 16 JANUARY 1942: "[Dietrich] Eckart
introduced me to the Büchners: "This is my young friend, Herr *WOLF*."
Nobody could think of forming any connection between this person and that
crazy monster Adolf Hitler. Eckart was known at the boarding-house under
the name of Dr. Hoffmann. At midday he took me to the Türken inn, promising
me a genuine goulash. He was addressed there as "Herr Doktor", but I saw at
once that everybody knew his real identity." [pages 212]

Eckart was a participant in the failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 and died
from a heart attack on 26 December of that year, shortly after his release
from Landsberg Prison. He was elevated to the status of a major thinker
upon the establishment of Nazi Germany in 1933. He was acknowledged by
Hitler to be the spiritual co-founder of Nazism and "a guiding light of the
early National Socialist movement."

#33 - TENET OF BELIEF / LUO SHU REFERENCE OBJECT: #205 = [#57, #23, #41,
#59, #25] / [#9, #77, #41, #5, #75] AS ITS AESTHETIC PRINCIPLE OF
PERSISTENCE: In the circumstance of PYTHAGOREAN #135 / #405 / #540 / #1080
- HETEROS BIPARTITE NUMBER paradigm equivalence (ie. NAZISM is a faith
inconsequential RITUAL) given the year 1939 of WWII commencement was a
lunar metonic 19 year cycle anchored to 1 AD that similarly purveys a
supernal construct of conformity to COGITO: #40 - LAW / MODEL (FA) - 𝌭法 =
#491 / [#7, #78, #35, #80, #10] as RANGE: noon 15 to 19 JUNE which it
alluded to as a transcendent IDEAL.




Whilst the news of the week has been AFL recreational drug testing rorts
and a failure to convey any truth about their alleged groin injuries.

Such pales into insignificance concerning the 90 years of sycophantic lip
👄 service which the Anglican Church has given to the British monarchy.

Speaking of an implied affable avoidance of injury: "In his first public
message since his cancer diagnosis, King Charles III reaffirmed his
Coronation pledge “not to be served but to serve”, and called on people to
“prioritise care and friendship”. [courtesy: Sky News]

Compare sacrilege, Latin sacrilegus. From Latin sacer + legō (“steal
something sacred”).

sacer (feminine sacra, neuter sacrum, superlative sacerrimus);
first/second-declension adjective (nominative masculine singular in -er)

sacred, holy, dedicated (to a divinity), consecrated, hallowed (translating
Greek ἱερός)
devoted (to a divinity for sacrifice), fated (to destruction), forfeited,
divine, celestial
(only poetic and in post-Augustan prose) execrable, detestable, horrible,
infamous; criminal, impious, wicked, abominable, cursed

From Proto-Italic *legō, from Proto-Indo-European *léǵ-e-ti, from
Proto-Indo-European *leǵ-. Cognates include Ancient Greek λέγω (légō, “I
speak, I choose, I mean”) and Albanian mbledh. May be related to lēx.

to choose, select
to appoint distribuō, attribuō, discrībō, addīcō
to collect, gather, bring together
to take out, pick out, extract, remove
to take to one's self unjustly, carry off, steal, purloin, plunder,

#385 as [#10, #5, #100, #70, #200] = hierós (G2413): {UMBRA: #385 % #41 =
#16} 1) sacred, consecrated to the deity, pertaining to God; 1a) sacred
Scriptures, because inspired by God, treating of divine things and
therefore to be devoutly revered;

#62 - 𝍃疑 = #513
COGITO: [#35, #48, #25, #33, #33] as #62 - DOUBT (YI)
RANGE: noon 22 to 26 SEPTEMBER


[#35 {@1: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#35); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#35)}
#48 {@2: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#37); Ego: 48 - RITUAL: LI (#83)}
#25 {@3: Sup: 27 - DUTIES: SHIH (#64); Ego: 25 - CONTENTION: CHENG (#108 -
#33 {@4: Sup: 60 - ACCUMULATION: CHI (#124); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#141
#33] {@5: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG (#136 - MALE DEME IS UNNAMED
{%36}); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#174)}


#3, #5, #300, #5] = légō (G3004): {UMBRA: #838 % #41 = #18} 1) to say, to
speak; 1a) affirm over, maintain; 1b) to teach; 1c) to exhort, advise, to
command, direct; 1d) to point out with words, intend, mean, mean to say;
1e) to call by name, to call, name; 1f) to speak out, speak of, mention;

#38 - 𝌫盛 = #489
COGITO: [#14, #18, #38, #68, #26] as #38 - FULLNESS (SHENG)
RANGE: noon 06 to 10 JUNE


[#14 {@1: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#14); Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
#18 {@2: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#46); Ego: 18 - WAITING: HSI (#32)}
#38 {@3: Sup: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE (#116); Ego: 38 - FULLNESS: SHENG (#70)}
LUST {%27}); Ego: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#138)}
#26] {@5: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#175 - I AM NOT A TRANSGRESSOR
{%22}); Ego: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#164)}


Post by David Dalton
Easter Blessings to any readers.
My last attempt failed again and I am trying again starting at
2010 UTC March 28, 2024, which is Holy Thursday, also
known as Maundy Thursday. I didn’t really want or expect
any correlation with an existing religious holiday, but I guess
since Jesus is one of my minor deities and since I was
initiated as a Catholic (but am now pagan) and since my
parents were devout Catholics, a correlation with Easter
would not be unwelcome. But I still think I may have to
wait until the total solar eclipse (which maybe Sarah McLachlan
could visit here to see; we are not far off the path of
totality), or even until on or about September 5, 2024
(three sunspot cycles after my sun stare) or on or about
January 29, 2025 (seven years plus two sunspot cycles
after my low years started, and which is a a new moon
and Chinese new year at the end of my Dragon year).
I was hoping to go hear Mick Davis at The Black Sheep
on George tonight from 9 p.m. to midnight but if I am
caught up tracking this new attempt I doubt I will go.
(He is the lead singer of The Novaks and of
Mick Davis and the Skinny Jims but plays solo
on Thursday nights, and tonight should be well
attended since Good Friday is a holiday).
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David Dalton
2024-03-30 03:29:44 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Easter Blessings to any readers.
My last attempt failed again and I am trying again starting at
2010 UTC March 28, 2024, which is Holy Thursday, also
known as Maundy Thursday. I didn’t really want or expect
any correlation with an existing religious holiday, but I guess
since Jesus is one of my minor deities and since I was
initiated as a Catholic (but am now pagan) and since my
parents were devout Catholics, a correlation with Easter
would not be unwelcome.
The Pope probably would want to know the following.

I am the latest primary ootw (which I used to call avatar type)
and have a global region, partly due to the extent of the Internet.

Unlike Jesus, whose primary siddhi was healer special ability,
my primary siddhi is matchmaking. This ability has now been
granted to 1.55 million human assisted shaktipat recipients globally,
including all ordained to bishop level and some knowledgeable
and good individuals ordained to priest level.

Associated with my primary siddhi is some lore, namely my
Eight Sexual Harmonics matchmaking theory, summarized on
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/8H.html , which might prove
useful to other matchmakers. In that notation, the Pope is lesbianT.

Such matchmakers should be able to confirm the following:

There has been a split of homo sapiens globally into 55 species
in human species group, and matches must be within a species.
Some abusive relationships have been split across species
boundaries; the rest have been made optimally sexually
compatible, which will make them non-abusive.

Also 74% of committed relationships have been made optmally
sexually compatible. 18%, including all committed same sex
relationships (which are now more likely to stick), already were.
5% were partially sexually compatible (compatible, but less
than optimally compatible, and less likely to stick, and less
likely to be faithful) and remain so. 2% were deemed too
abusive and have been broken up by God. 1% were and
remain platonic possibly parenting friendship relationships,
in my notation gay--lesbian, which can be bridged by a
bim--bif couple, or straight-type-2-M--lesbian, which can
be bridged by a bif, or straight-type-2-F--gay, which can
be bridged by a bim (some others formerly in such platonic
partnerships are in the 74%).

I suggest that in future that ordained matchmakers screen
prospective Christian marriage partners for compatibility.

One ability that I have that the assisted shaktipat recipients
do not have is the ability to determine the special ability/ies
of others (including healer special ability, which I recently
said that e.g. Anglican minister Summer Gross has).
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill;
And the hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
David Dalton
2024-04-06 03:51:34 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Easter Blessings to any readers.
My last attempt failed again and I am trying again starting at
2010 UTC March 28, 2024, which is Holy Thursday, also
known as Maundy Thursday. I didn’t really want or expect
any correlation with an existing religious holiday, but I guess
since Jesus is one of my minor deities and since I was
initiated as a Catholic (but am now pagan) and since my
parents were devout Catholics, a correlation with Easter
would not be unwelcome.
The Pope probably would want to know the following.
I am the latest primary ootw (which I used to call avatar type)
and have a global region, partly due to the extent of the Internet.
Unlike Jesus, whose primary siddhi was healer special ability,
my primary siddhi is matchmaking. This ability has now been
granted to 1.55 million human assisted shaktipat recipients globally,
including all ordained to bishop level and some knowledgeable
and good individuals ordained to priest level.
Associated with my primary siddhi is some lore, namely my
Eight Sexual Harmonics matchmaking theory, summarized on
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/8H.html , which might prove
useful to other matchmakers. In that notation, the Pope is lesbianT.
There has been a split of homo sapiens globally into 55 species
in human species group, and matches must be within a species.
Some abusive relationships have been split across species
boundaries; the rest have been made optimally sexually
compatible, which will make them non-abusive.
Also 74% of committed relationships have been made optmally
sexually compatible. 18%, including all committed same sex
relationships (which are now more likely to stick), already were.
5% were partially sexually compatible (compatible, but less
than optimally compatible, and less likely to stick, and less
likely to be faithful) and remain so. 2% were deemed too
abusive and have been broken up by God. 1% were and
remain platonic possibly parenting friendship relationships,
in my notation gay--lesbian, which can be bridged by a
bim--bif couple, or straight-type-2-M--lesbian, which can
be bridged by a bif, or straight-type-2-F--gay, which can
be bridged by a bim (some others formerly in such platonic
partnerships are in the 74%).
I suggest that in future that ordained matchmakers screen
prospective Christian marriage partners for compatibility.
One ability that I have that the assisted shaktipat recipients
do not have is the ability to determine the special ability/ies
of others (including healer special ability, which I recently
said that e.g. Anglican minister Summer Gross has).
I tried again beginning on April 5 (Go For Broke Day and
The International Day of Conscience) and continuing
into April 6 (Global Firewalk Day), leading up towards
the total solar eclipse, when the global binding of
criminals should be in place and sudden physical
evolution, including of current adults, should have begun.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her head to
find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2024-04-07 03:57:07 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Easter Blessings to any readers.
My last attempt failed again and I am trying again starting at
2010 UTC March 28, 2024, which is Holy Thursday, also
known as Maundy Thursday. I didn’t really want or expect
any correlation with an existing religious holiday, but I guess
since Jesus is one of my minor deities and since I was
initiated as a Catholic (but am now pagan) and since my
parents were devout Catholics, a correlation with Easter
would not be unwelcome.
The Pope probably would want to know the following.
I am the latest primary ootw (which I used to call avatar type)
and have a global region, partly due to the extent of the Internet.
Unlike Jesus, whose primary siddhi was healer special ability,
my primary siddhi is matchmaking. This ability has now been
granted to 1.55 million human assisted shaktipat recipients globally,
including all ordained to bishop level and some knowledgeable
and good individuals ordained to priest level.
Associated with my primary siddhi is some lore, namely my
Eight Sexual Harmonics matchmaking theory, summarized on
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/8H.html , which might prove
useful to other matchmakers. In that notation, the Pope is lesbianT.
There has been a split of homo sapiens globally into 55 species
in human species group, and matches must be within a species.
Some abusive relationships have been split across species
boundaries; the rest have been made optimally sexually
compatible, which will make them non-abusive.
Also 74% of committed relationships have been made optmally
sexually compatible. 18%, including all committed same sex
relationships (which are now more likely to stick), already were.
5% were partially sexually compatible (compatible, but less
than optimally compatible, and less likely to stick, and less
likely to be faithful) and remain so. 2% were deemed too
abusive and have been broken up by God. 1% were and
remain platonic possibly parenting friendship relationships,
in my notation gay--lesbian, which can be bridged by a
bim--bif couple, or straight-type-2-M--lesbian, which can
be bridged by a bif, or straight-type-2-F--gay, which can
be bridged by a bim (some others formerly in such platonic
partnerships are in the 74%).
I suggest that in future that ordained matchmakers screen
prospective Christian marriage partners for compatibility.
One ability that I have that the assisted shaktipat recipients
do not have is the ability to determine the special ability/ies
of others (including healer special ability, which I recently
said that e.g. Anglican minister Summer Gross has).
I tried again beginning on April 5 (Go For Broke Day and
The International Day of Conscience) and continuing
into April 6 (Global Firewalk Day), leading up towards
the total solar eclipse, when the global binding of
criminals should be in place and sudden physical
evolution, including of current adults, should have begun.
No, I failed again, and am taking tonight and tomorrow
night off, and plan to try again with onset of the attempt
just after the eclipse locally, so it probably won’t be
complete until waxing crescent. I have divined that I
will have to make several changes, but won’t try to
divine what they are until just before I start the attempt.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her head to
find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2024-04-10 21:06:00 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Easter Blessings to any readers.
My last attempt failed again and I am trying again starting at
2010 UTC March 28, 2024, which is Holy Thursday, also
known as Maundy Thursday. I didn’t really want or expect
any correlation with an existing religious holiday, but I guess
since Jesus is one of my minor deities and since I was
initiated as a Catholic (but am now pagan) and since my
parents were devout Catholics, a correlation with Easter
would not be unwelcome.
The Pope probably would want to know the following.
I am the latest primary ootw (which I used to call avatar type)
and have a global region, partly due to the extent of the Internet.
Unlike Jesus, whose primary siddhi was healer special ability,
my primary siddhi is matchmaking. This ability has now been
granted to 1.55 million human assisted shaktipat recipients globally,
including all ordained to bishop level and some knowledgeable
and good individuals ordained to priest level.
Associated with my primary siddhi is some lore, namely my
Eight Sexual Harmonics matchmaking theory, summarized on
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/8H.html , which might prove
useful to other matchmakers. In that notation, the Pope is lesbianT.
There has been a split of homo sapiens globally into 55 species
in human species group, and matches must be within a species.
Some abusive relationships have been split across species
boundaries; the rest have been made optimally sexually
compatible, which will make them non-abusive.
Also 74% of committed relationships have been made optmally
sexually compatible. 18%, including all committed same sex
relationships (which are now more likely to stick), already were.
5% were partially sexually compatible (compatible, but less
than optimally compatible, and less likely to stick, and less
likely to be faithful) and remain so. 2% were deemed too
abusive and have been broken up by God. 1% were and
remain platonic possibly parenting friendship relationships,
in my notation gay--lesbian, which can be bridged by a
bim--bif couple, or straight-type-2-M--lesbian, which can
be bridged by a bif, or straight-type-2-F--gay, which can
be bridged by a bim (some others formerly in such platonic
partnerships are in the 74%).
I suggest that in future that ordained matchmakers screen
prospective Christian marriage partners for compatibility.
One ability that I have that the assisted shaktipat recipients
do not have is the ability to determine the special ability/ies
of others (including healer special ability, which I recently
said that e.g. Anglican minister Summer Gross has).
I tried again beginning on April 5 (Go For Broke Day and
The International Day of Conscience) and continuing
into April 6 (Global Firewalk Day), leading up towards
the total solar eclipse, when the global binding of
criminals should be in place and sudden physical
evolution, including of current adults, should have begun.
No, I failed again, and am taking tonight and tomorrow
night off, and plan to try again with onset of the attempt
just after the eclipse locally, so it probably won’t be
complete until waxing crescent. I have divined that I
will have to make several changes, but won’t try to
divine what they are until just before I start the attempt.
Though Mohammed is not a popthrough ootw (which I used
to call avatar type), he is a Founder/Guru/Missionary/Prophet
type, and a correlation of my workings with Eid-al-fitr
would be acceptable to me.

I am pretty sure I saw the waxing crescent for the first time
this lunar month at about 1600 UTC April 10, 2024, through
some leafless tree branches, before it got cloudy, and
with that in mind I am trying again, in a late local
Eid-al-fitr, beginning this evening.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her head to
find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2024-04-11 23:18:07 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Easter Blessings to any readers.
My last attempt failed again and I am trying again starting at
2010 UTC March 28, 2024, which is Holy Thursday, also
known as Maundy Thursday. I didn’t really want or expect
any correlation with an existing religious holiday, but I guess
since Jesus is one of my minor deities and since I was
initiated as a Catholic (but am now pagan) and since my
parents were devout Catholics, a correlation with Easter
would not be unwelcome.
The Pope probably would want to know the following.
I am the latest primary ootw (which I used to call avatar type)
and have a global region, partly due to the extent of the Internet.
Unlike Jesus, whose primary siddhi was healer special ability,
my primary siddhi is matchmaking. This ability has now been
granted to 1.55 million human assisted shaktipat recipients globally,
including all ordained to bishop level and some knowledgeable
and good individuals ordained to priest level.
Associated with my primary siddhi is some lore, namely my
Eight Sexual Harmonics matchmaking theory, summarized on
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/8H.html , which might prove
useful to other matchmakers. In that notation, the Pope is lesbianT.
There has been a split of homo sapiens globally into 55 species
in human species group, and matches must be within a species.
Some abusive relationships have been split across species
boundaries; the rest have been made optimally sexually
compatible, which will make them non-abusive.
Also 74% of committed relationships have been made optmally
sexually compatible. 18%, including all committed same sex
relationships (which are now more likely to stick), already were.
5% were partially sexually compatible (compatible, but less
than optimally compatible, and less likely to stick, and less
likely to be faithful) and remain so. 2% were deemed too
abusive and have been broken up by God. 1% were and
remain platonic possibly parenting friendship relationships,
in my notation gay--lesbian, which can be bridged by a
bim--bif couple, or straight-type-2-M--lesbian, which can
be bridged by a bif, or straight-type-2-F--gay, which can
be bridged by a bim (some others formerly in such platonic
partnerships are in the 74%).
I suggest that in future that ordained matchmakers screen
prospective Christian marriage partners for compatibility.
One ability that I have that the assisted shaktipat recipients
do not have is the ability to determine the special ability/ies
of others (including healer special ability, which I recently
said that e.g. Anglican minister Summer Gross has).
I tried again beginning on April 5 (Go For Broke Day and
The International Day of Conscience) and continuing
into April 6 (Global Firewalk Day), leading up towards
the total solar eclipse, when the global binding of
criminals should be in place and sudden physical
evolution, including of current adults, should have begun.
No, I failed again, and am taking tonight and tomorrow
night off, and plan to try again with onset of the attempt
just after the eclipse locally, so it probably won’t be
complete until waxing crescent. I have divined that I
will have to make several changes, but won’t try to
divine what they are until just before I start the attempt.
Though Mohammed is not a popthrough ootw (which I used
to call avatar type), he is a Founder/Guru/Missionary/Prophet
type, and a correlation of my workings with Eid-al-fitr
would be acceptable to me.
I am pretty sure I saw the waxing crescent for the first time
this lunar month at about 1600 UTC April 10, 2024, through
some leafless tree branches, before it got cloudy, and
with that in mind I am trying again, in a late local
Eid-al-fitr, beginning this evening.
April 11, 2024

No, I am sure now that the above supposed sighting of
the crescent was just a reflection of the sun off a tree branch.

Sunset today here was 7:45 p.m. NDT (2215 UTC) and
it is clear this evening

I went for a walk and spotted the waxing crescent for
the first time this lunar month at about 7:55 p.m. NDT.

I then began a new mystic activation sequence attempt
at 8:23 p.m. NDT (2253 UTC) April 11, 2024.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her head to
find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2024-05-05 01:43:48 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Easter Blessings to any readers.
My last attempt failed again and I am trying again starting at
2010 UTC March 28, 2024, which is Holy Thursday, also
known as Maundy Thursday. I didn’t really want or expect
any correlation with an existing religious holiday, but I guess
since Jesus is one of my minor deities and since I was
initiated as a Catholic (but am now pagan) and since my
parents were devout Catholics, a correlation with Easter
would not be unwelcome. But I still think I may have to
wait until the total solar eclipse (which maybe Sarah McLachlan
could visit here to see; we are not far off the path of
totality), or even until on or about September 5, 2024
(three sunspot cycles after my sun stare) or on or about
January 29, 2025 (seven years plus two sunspot cycles
after my low years started, and which is a a new moon
and Chinese new year at the end of my Dragon year).
It seems that the marriage blessings have come at
Orthodox Easter (at least in UTC/GMT).

Happy Orthodox Easter!

Note that if Beltane is defined as halfway between the spring
equinox and summer solstice, it is exactly 1158 UTC May 5, 2024.

So I am making one more attempt on alt.religion.druid in the
thread “late Beltane attempt/crone moon”. Check that thread
if you are interested, which I deem more likely if you notice
effects, such as improved sexual compatibility, and positive
charisma modulation of good individuals.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her head to
find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)