Day 116 of My 4th Bible Study Journey
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The Doctor
2024-04-25 12:12:59 UTC
Day 116, 25 April 2024

1 Chronicles 6

1 Chron 6

1 CHRONICLES 6: 4-15, 31-81

Sons of Levi

4 (Ex 6:25; 1Ch 6:50) Eleazar became the father of Phinehas,
Phinehas the father of Abishua,
5 Abishua the father of Bukki, and Bukki the father of Uzzi.
6 Uzzi became the father of Zerahiah, and Zerahiah the father of Meraioth.
7 Meraioth became the father of Amariah, and Amariah father of Ahitub.
8 (2Sa 8:17; 15:27) Ahitub became the father of Zadok,
and Zadok father of Ahimaaz.
9 Ahimaaz became the father of Azariah, and Azariah father of Johanan.
10 (1Ki 6:1-7; 2Ch 3:1) Johanan became the father of Azariah
(he was the one who ministered as a priest in the temple
that Solomon built in Jerusalem).
11 (Ezr 7:3) Azariah became the father of Amariah,
and Amariah the father of Ahitub.
12 (Ne 11:11) Ahitub became the father of Zadok,
and Zadok the father of Shallum.
13 (2Ki 22:12-14; 2Ch 35:8) Shallum became the father of Hilkiah,
and Hilkiah the father of Azariah.
14 (2Ki 25:18; Ne 11:11) Azariah became the father of Seraiah,
and Seraiah of Jehozadak.
15 (2Ki 25:18; 25:21) Jehozadak went into exile when the Lord led Judah
and Jerusalem into exile by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar.
16 Ex 6:16The sons of Levi were
Gershom, Kohath, and Merari.

[4] Eleazar begat Phinehas, Phinehas begat Abishua,
[5] And Abishua begat Bukki, and Bukki begat Uzzi,
[6] And Uzzi begat Zerahiah, and Zerahiah begat Meraioth,
[7] Meraioth begat Amariah, and Amariah begat Ahitub,
[8] And Ahitub begat Zadok, and Zadok begat Ahimaaz,
[9] And Ahimaaz begat Azariah, and Azariah begat Johanan,
[10] And Johanan begat Azariah, (he it is that executed the priest's office
in the temple that Solomon built in Jerusalem:)
[11] And Azariah begat Amariah, and Amariah begat Ahitub,
[12] And Ahitub begat Zadok, and Zadok begat Shallum,
[13] And Shallum begat Hilkiah, and Hilkiah begat Azariah,
[14] And Azariah begat Seraiah, and Seraiah begat Jehozadak,
[15] And Jehozadak went into captivity, when the LORD carried away Judah and
Jerusalem by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar.
[16] The sons of Levi; Gershom, Kohath, and Merari.

The Temple Musicians

Jos 21:4-39

31 (2Sa 6:17; 1Ch 15:16-22) These are the ones whom David appointed
over the service of song in the house of the Lord, after the ark rested there.
32 Now they were ministering before the dwelling place of the tabernacle
of meeting with singing until Solomon had built the house of the Lord
in Jerusalem, and they were arranged
by their order according to their service.
33 (1Ch 6:28; 15:17) These are the ones standing in order with their sons.
Of the sons of the Kohathites were
Heman the singer,
the son of Joel, the son of Samuel,
34 the son of Elkanah, the son of Jeroham,
the son of Eliel, the son of Toah,
35 the son of Zuph, the son of Elkanah,
the son of Mahath, the son of Amasai,
36 the son of Elkanah, the son of Joel,
the son of Azariah, the son of Zephaniah,
37 the son of Tahath, the son of Assir,
the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah,
38 the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath,
the son of Levi, the son of Israel.
39 (2Ch 5:12; 29:13) His brother Asaph, the one standing at his right hand, was
Asaph the son of Berekiah, the son of Shimea,
40 the son of Michael, the son of Baaseiah,
the son of Malkijah,
41 the son of Ethni,
the son of Zerah, the son of Adaiah,
42 the son of Ethan, the son of Zimmah,
the son of Shimei,
43 the son of Jahath,
the son of Gershom, the son of Levi.
44 Of the sons of Merari, their brothers, standing on the left hand was
Ethan the son of Kishi, the son of Abdi,
the son of Malluk,
45 the son of Hashabiah,
the son of Amaziah, the son of Hilkiah,
46 the son of Amzi, the son of Bani,
the son of Shemer,
47 the son of Mahli,
the son of Mushi, the son of Merari,
the son of Levi.
48 Their brothers the Levites also were appointed for
all kinds of service to the tabernacle of the house of God.
49 (Ex 27:1-8; 30:1-7) But Aaron and his sons were making sacrifices
on the altar of the burnt offering and on the altar of incense for all
the work of the Most Holy Place and to make atonement for Israel,
according to all that Moses the servant of God had commanded.
50 Now these are the sons of Aaron:
Eleazar his son, Phinehas his son,
Abishua his son,
51 Bukki his son,
Uzzi his son, Zerahiah his son,
52 Meraioth his son, Amariah his son,
Ahitub his son,
53 (2Sa 8:17) Zadok his son,
and Ahimaaz his son.
54 (Ge 25:16) And these are their dwelling places according to their walled
settlements in their territory, for they were given to them, namely
to the sons of Aaron and to the families of the Kohathites, by lot.
55 (Jos 14:13) They gave them Hebron in the land of Judah,
and its surrounding outlands.
56 (Jos 15:13) But the open fields of the city, and its villages,
they gave to Caleb the son of Jephunneh.
57 (Jos 15:48; 21:13-14) To the sons of Aaron they gave the cities of Judah
with the cities of refuge: Hebron and Libnah with its outlands,
Jattir and Esh-temoa with their outlands,
58 (Jos 10:3) Hilen with its outlands, Debir with its outlands,
59 (Jos 21:16; 15:42) Ashan with its outlands, and Beth Shemesh
with its outlands.
60 (Jer 1:1) From the tribe of Benjamin, they gave Geba with its outlands,
Alemeth with its outlands, and Anathoth with its outlands.
All their cities throughout their families were thirteen.
61 To the sons of Kohath, those remaining from the family of that tribe,
they gave ten cities by lot from half the tribe of Manasseh.
62 To the sons of Gershon, throughout their families, they gave
from the tribe of Issachar, from the tribe of Asher, from the tribe
of Naphtali, and from the tribe of Manasseh in Bashan, thirteen cities in all.
63 (Jos 21:7; 21:34-40) To the sons of Merari, throughout their families,
they gave by lot from the tribe of Reuben, from the tribe of Gad,
and from the tribe of Zebulun, twelve cities in all.
64 (Jos 21:41-42; 21:3) Thus, the sons of Israel gave cities with their
outlands to the Levites.
65 They gave by lot from the tribe of the sons of Judah,
and from the tribe of the sons of Simeon,
and from the tribe of the sons of Benjamin,
these cities, which are called by their names.
66 Then some from the families of the sons of Kohath
received cities for their territory from the tribe of Ephraim.
67 (Jos 21:21) They gave to them with the cities of refuge:
Shechem in the mountains of Ephraim with its outlands,
Gezer with its outlands,
68 Jokmeam with its outlands, Beth Horon with its outlands,
69 (Jos 10:12) Aijalon with its outlands, and Gath Rimmon with its outlands.
70 Also the half-tribe of Manasseh gave Aner with its outlands
and Bileam with its outlands for the remaining family of the sons of Kohath.
71 (Jos 21:27; 9:10) To the sons of Gershom, the family of the half-tribe
of Manasseh gave Golan in Bashan with its outlands and Ashtaroth
with its outlands.
72 From the tribe of Issachar, they received Kedesh
with its outlands, Daberath with its outlands,
73 Ramoth with its outlands, and Anem with its outlands.
74 From the tribe of Asher, they received Mashal with its outlands,
Abdon with its outlands,
75 Hukok with its outlands, and Rehob with its outlands.
76 (Jos 21:32) From the tribe of Naphtali, they received Kedesh in Galilee
with its outlands, Hammon with its outlands, and Kiriathaim with its outlands.
77 (Jos 21:34-35) To the remaining sons of Merari, the tribe of Zebulun gave
Rimmono with its outlands and Tabor with its outlands.
78 (Jos 20:8) Then on the other side of the Jordan opposite Jericho,
to the east of the Jordan, from the tribe of Reuben they were given Bezer
in the wilderness with its outlands, Jahzah with its outlands,
79 Kedemoth with its outlands, and Mephaath with its outlands.
80 (Ge 32:2; 2Ki 9:1) And from the tribe of Gad, they received Ramoth
in Gilead with its outlands, Mahanaim with its outlands,
81 (Jos 21:39) Heshbon with its outlands, and Jazer with its outlands.

[31] And these are they whom David set over the service of song in the house
of the LORD, after that the ark had rest.
[32] And they ministered before the dwelling place of the tabernacle of the
congregation with singing, until Solomon had built the house of the LORD in
Jerusalem: and then they waited on their office according to their order.
[33] And these are they that waited with their children. Of the sons of the
Kohathites: Heman a singer, the son of Joel, the son of Shemuel,
[34] The son of Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Eliel, the son of
[35] The son of Zuph, the son of Elkanah, the son of Mahath, the son of
[36] The son of Elkanah, the son of Joel, the son of Azariah, the son of
[37] The son of Tahath, the son of Assir, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of
[38] The son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, the son of
[39] And his brother Asaph, who stood on his right hand, even Asaph the son
of Berachiah, the son of Shimea,
[40] The son of Michael, the son of Baaseiah, the son of Malchiah,
[41] The son of Ethni, the son of Zerah, the son of Adaiah,
[42] The son of Ethan, the son of Zimmah, the son of Shimei,
[43] The son of Jahath, the son of Gershom, the son of Levi.
[44] And their brethren the sons of Merari stood on the left hand: Ethan the
son of Kishi, the son of Abdi, the son of Malluch,
[45] The son of Hashabiah, the son of Amaziah, the son of Hilkiah,
[46] The son of Amzi, the son of Bani, the son of Shamer,
[47] The son of Mahli, the son of Mushi, the son of Merari, the son of Levi.
[48] Their brethren also the Levites were appointed unto all manner of
service of the tabernacle of the house of God.
[49] But Aaron and his sons offered upon the altar of the burnt offering,
and on the altar of incense, and were appointed for all the work of the
place most holy, and to make an atonement for Israel, according to all that
Moses the servant of God had commanded.
[50] And these are the sons of Aaron; Eleazar his son, Phinehas his son,
Abishua his son,
[51] Bukki his son, Uzzi his son, Zerahiah his son,
[52] Meraioth his son, Amariah his son, Ahitub his son,
[53] Zadok his son, Ahimaaz his son.
[54] Now these are their dwelling places throughout their castles in their
coasts, of the sons of Aaron, of the families of the Kohathites: for theirs
was the lot.
[55] And they gave them Hebron in the land of Judah, and the suburbs thereof
round about it.
[56] But the fields of the city, and the villages thereof, they gave to
Caleb the son of Jephunneh.
[57] And to the sons of Aaron they gave the cities of Judah, namely, Hebron,
the city of refuge, and Libnah with her suburbs, and Jattir, and Eshtemoa,
with their suburbs,
[58] And Hilen with her suburbs, Debir with her suburbs,
[59] And Ashan with her suburbs, and Beth-shemesh with her suburbs:
[60] And out of the tribe of Benjamin; Geba with her suburbs, and Alemeth
with her suburbs, and Anathoth with her suburbs. All their cities throughout
their families were thirteen cities.
[61] And unto the sons of Kohath, which were left of the family of that
tribe, were cities given out of the half tribe, namely, out of the half
tribe of Manasseh, by lot, ten cities.
[62] And to the sons of Gershom throughout their families out of the tribe
of Issachar, and out of the tribe of Asher, and out of the tribe of
Naphtali, and out of the tribe of Manasseh in Bashan, thirteen cities.
[63] Unto the sons of Merari were given by lot, throughout their families,
out of the tribe of Reuben, and out of the tribe of Gad, and out of the
tribe of Zebulun, twelve cities.
[64] And the children of Israel gave to the Levites these cities with their
[65] And they gave by lot out of the tribe of the children of Judah, and out
of the tribe of the children of Simeon, and out of the tribe of the children
of Benjamin, these cities, which are called by their names.
[66] And the residue of the families of the sons of Kohath had cities of
their coasts out of the tribe of Ephraim.
[67] And they gave unto them, of the cities of refuge, Shechem in mount
Ephraim with her suburbs; they gave also Gezer with her suburbs,
[68] And Jokmeam with her suburbs, and Beth-horon with her suburbs,
[69] And Aijalon with her suburbs, and Gath-rimmon with her suburbs:
[70] And out of the half tribe of Manasseh; Aner with her suburbs, and
Bileam with her suburbs, for the family of the remnant of the sons of
[71] Unto the sons of Gershom were given out of the family of the half tribe
of Manasseh, Golan in Bashan with her suburbs, and Ashtaroth with her
[72] And out of the tribe of Issachar; Kedesh with her suburbs, Daberath
with her suburbs,
[73] And Ramoth with her suburbs, and Anem with her suburbs:
[74] And out of the tribe of Asher; Mashal with her suburbs, and Abdon with
her suburbs,
[75] And Hukok with her suburbs, and Rehob with her suburbs:
[76] And out of the tribe of Naphtali; Kedesh in Galilee with her suburbs,
and Hammon with her suburbs, and Kirjathaim with her suburbs.
[77] Unto the rest of the children of Merari were given out of the tribe of
Zebulun. Rimmon with her suburbs, Tabor with her suburbs:
[78] And on the other side Jordan by Jericho, on the east side of Jordan,
were given them out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness with her
suburbs, and Jahzah with her suburbs,
[79] Kedemoth also with her suburbs, and Mephaath with her suburbs:
[80] And out of the tribe of Gad; Ramoth in Gilead with her suburbs, and
Mahanaim with her suburbs,
[81] And Heshbon with her suburbs, and Jazer with her suburbs.

[The priestly line of Israel]

2) Our Daily Bread for 25 April 2024 titles <a href="
God Is My Helper </a>

Joshua 14:6-12

6 (Nu 14:30; 13:6) The descendants of Judah approached Joshua at Gilgal,
and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him,
"You know what the Lord said to Moses the man of God about you
and me at Kadesh Barnea.
7 (Nu 13:6; 13:16-20) I was forty years old when Moses the servant
of the Lord sent me from Kadesh Barnea to spy on the land,
and I brought word back to him as it was in my heart.
8 (Nu 14:24; Dt 1:36) My companions who went up with me made
the hearts of the people melt, but I wholeheartedly followed
after the Lord my God.
9 (Dt 1:36; Jos 1:3) On that day Moses swore an oath,
"The land on which your foot treads shall be your inheritance,
for your descendants perpetually, because you completely followed
after the Lord my God."
10 "Now, the Lord has kept me alive, just as He said, for 45 years,
since the Lord spoke this word to Moses while Israel wandered
in the wilderness. Now, here I am this day, 85 years old.
11 (Dt 34:7; 31:2) I am still just as strong today as I was on the day
that Moses sent me. My strength now is just like my strength then,
both for battle and for going out and returning.
12 (Nu 13:33; 13:28) So now, give me this hill country that the Lord
spoke about on that day. That day you heard that the Anakites
live there in large, fortified cities. Perhaps the Lord will be with me,
and I will drive them out, as the Lord said."

[6] Then the children of Judah came unto Joshua in Gilgal: and Caleb the son
of Jephunneh the Kenezite said unto him, Thou knowest the thing that the
LORD said unto Moses the man of God concerning me and thee in Kadesh-barnea.
[7] Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from
Kadesh-barnea to espy out the land; and I brought him word again as it was
in mine heart.
[8] Nevertheless my brethren that went up with me made the heart of the
people melt: but I wholly followed the LORD my God.
[9] And Moses sware on that day, saying, Surely the land whereon thy feet
have trodden shall be thine inheritance, and thy children's for ever,
because thou hast wholly followed the LORD my God.
[10] And now, behold, the LORD hath kept me alive, as he said, these forty
and five years, even since the LORD spake this word unto Moses, while the
children of Israel wandered in the wilderness: and now, lo, I am this day
fourscore and five years old.
[11] As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me:
as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go
out, and to come in.
[12] Now therefore give me this mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that
day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the
cities were great and fenced: if so be the LORD will be with me, then I
shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said.

Hebrews 13:6

6 (Ps 56:4) So we may boldly say:
"The Lord is my helper; I will not fear.
What can man do to me?"(Ps 118:6.)

[6] So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear
what man shall do unto me.

My friend Raleigh is sprinting toward his eighty-fifth birthday!
Since my first conversation with him more than thirty-five years ago,
he's been a source of inspiration. When he recently mentioned that since
retiring he'd completed a book manuscript and started another ministry
initiative-I was intrigued but not surprised.

At eighty-five, Caleb in the Bible wasn't ready to stop either.
His faith and devotion to God had sustained him through decades
of wilderness living and wars to secure the inheritance God had promised
Israel. He said,
" As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me:
as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go
out, and to come in." (Joshua 14:11). By what means would he conquer?
Caleb declared that by "if so be the LORD will be with me, then I
shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said" (v. 12).

Regardless of age, stage in life, or circumstances, God will help all
who wholeheartedly trust Him. In Jesus, our Saviour who helps us, God
was made visible. The Gospel books inspire faith in God through what
we see in Christ. He demonstrated God's care and compassion
for all who looked to Him for help. As the writer of Hebrews acknowledged,
"The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear
what man shall do unto me" (Hebrews 13:6). Young or old, weak or strong,
bound or free, sprinting or limping-what's keeping us from asking
for His help today?

By: Arthur Jackson

Reflect & Pray

Who has inspired your faith in God?
How do you see God as your source of help in all things?

Almighty God,
please help me to see You as my source of help in all circumstances.

By: Mike Wittmer

3) Daily verses taken from Billy Graham Evangelical Organisation

Words in Season Scripture Memory Tools

Week 8 Guided by Grace Day 5 - Waiting for the Wind

Is 40:31

31 (2Co 4:16; Ps 103:5; Ex 19:4)
but those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary,
and they shall walk and not faint.

31 but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint.

High above civilisation, alone on his craggy peak, the eagle waits.
He watches, senses, and then, with effortless grace, he spreads
his wings and soars. He does not flap frantically to gain altitude,
he merely turns his wings into the wind and rises.
Is 40:31 promises that we, too, can be like the eagle,
mounting up on wings, soaring effortlessly,
without weariness. But this is not often our experience.
We usually flap around like invalid pigeons, scratching
for mere existence, flying only when our place in the park is disturbed.
We need to learn to wait on the Lord. Like the wind that raises the eagle
to the heights, the wind of the Spirit will lift us up as well - beyond
the weariness of daily life, beyond the struggle for existence, beyond
the plodding pace of normal interaction.
But the eagle does not rise without plunging for the cliff into the wind.
His ability to stay aloft is based on his understand of wind currents;
when the wind is against him, he rises. He waits on the cliff
until the right moment, then allows the contrary breezes to lift him up.
Most of us are grounded by the winds that are against us. We give up
and never take the first flight. We fear the plunge from the cliff into the
buoyant breath of God, and so we stand fixed, afraid to launch out.
But when we do take the risk, when we wait upon the Lord, and then
give ourselves in obedience to a free-fall from the cliffs of his will,
we discover that there is rest in soaring with him. We do not have to
struggle; we have only to fly, and in flying, to find new strength.


a) Why is "waiting upon the Lord" essential
to "Mounting up with wings as the eagle"?

b) How can this verse help me be more willing to take risks in God's will?

4) From Prosperity Promises - Kenneth Copeland

Haggai 2:7-9

7 (1Ki 8:11; Isa 60:7) And I will shake all the nations,
and they will come with the wealth of all nations,
and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of Hosts.
8 (Isa 60:17) The silver is mine, and the gold is Mine,
says the Lord of Hosts.
9 (Isa 9:6-7) The glory of this latter house will be greater
than the former, says the Lord of Hosts. And in this place
I will give peace, says the Lord of Hosts.

7 and I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations
shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts.
8 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.
9 The glory of this latter house shall be greater
than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place
will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.

5) From a Book called God's Promises for you:

God's Help in Times of Temptation

James 1:12-18

Trial and Temptation

12 (Jas 2:5; 1Co 9:25; 2Ti 4:8) Blessed is the man who endures temptation,
for when he is tried, he will receive the crown of life,
which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
13 Let no man say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God,"
for God cannot be tempted with evil; neither does He tempt anyone.
14 But each man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed.
15 (Job 15:35; Ps 7:14) Then, when lust has conceived, it brings forth sin;
and when sin is finished, it brings forth death.
16 (Jas 1:19; 2:5) Do not err, my beloved brothers.
17 (Mal 3:6; Nu 23:19; Jn 3:27) Every good gift and every perfect gift
is from above and comes down from the Father of lights,
with whom is no change or shadow of turning.
18 (1Pe 1:23; Jn 1:13; Rev 14:4) Of His own will He brought us forth with
the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of His creatures.

12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried,
he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised
to them that love him.
13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God:
for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
14 but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust,
and enticed.
15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin:
and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
16 Do not err, my beloved brethren.
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness,
neither shadow of turning.
18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth,
that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.

Remember God's promises when You pray

The Lord's prayer

Matthew 6:9-13

9 "Therefore pray in this manner:
Our Father who is in heaven,
hallowed be Your name.
10 (Mt 3:2; 4:17) Your kingdom come;
Your will be done
on earth, as it is in heaven.
11 (Pr 30:8; Isa 33:16) Give us this day our daily bread.
12 (Ex 34:7; Ps 32:1) And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.
13 (1Co 10:13; Jn 17:15) And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."

9 After this manner therefore pray ye:
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

6) This come from Praying for Muslims in Canada 2015 (Is there a 2022 edition?)


Quick facts on Muslims in Manitoba

Manitoba 2015 population 1 282 000

est Muslim Population 21 349

CNMM Networks: Winnipeg

The Muslim population of Manitoba, understandably centred in Winnipeg, is very
diverse and represents some 48 different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
Conservative estimates put their number at 21000 , with some suggesting
it might be twice that size.
Some outreach among Muslims has started, yet in comparison to the size
of this community, there is the need and opportunity for far more engagement.
Continued influx of new immigrants and refugees continues to see the growth
of this Muslim centre in Manitoba.
We rejoice in the Arabic fellowship meeting there and the energetic workers
among Muslims in Winnipeg.

Let us intercede in unity for:

- new Christian workers among Manitoba's growing Muslim population
- new church ministries focused on prayer, equipping and reaching Muslim
communities around them, as well as training new workers
- the Arabic fellowship and their ministries of discipling new Muslim
background believers and for effectiveness in outreach
- for the recent Somali woman who found faith in Jesus and stood her ground
in the face of opposition to her new faith.
- for current workers among Muslims to be blessed, refreshed and encouraged
with great support

Adding further

30 days of prayer for the Muslim World 24 April to 23 May 2020

Under the Keep Praying page

When the new moon is sighted it marks the beginning of t he new Islamic month
and Eid al-Fitr, the "Festival of Breaking the Fast", will start! After 30 days
of fasting, the Eid celebration at the end of Ramadan is a joyful time that
usually lasts about 3 days. Muslims will buy new clothes, exchange gifts and,
of course, enjoy special foods. In Muslim-majority nations, the streets may be
decorated and festivals will be held.

For many Muslims, Eid-al-Fitr begins with communal prayers at daybreak and the
distribution of money (zakat) to the poor, which is one of the 5 pillars of

You can greet Muslim friends during this time by saying "Eid Mubarak",
which means Blessed Eid!"

Ramadan is over for this year, but you can continue to pray for Muslims you
know, and Muslims around the world:

- Despite the unsettling developments in our world today that involve actions
in the name of Islam, there is at the same time a largely untold story about
unprecedented movement to Christ among Muslims. There have been more such
movements of thousands or more new disciples among Muslims in the last three
decades or so than in all the previous history of Christian Muslim
relationships! Pray for this momentum to continue.
Acts 2:12-17 : 17 "In the last days it shall be," says God,
"that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
18 Even on My menservants and maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy.
19 And I will show wonders in heaven above and signs on the earth below:
blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke. 20 The sun shall be turned into darkness,
and the moon into blood, before that great and glorious day of the Lord comes.
21 And whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."[a]

Acts 2:21 Joel 2:28-32.
- Pray for Christian workers an organisations focused on seeing effective
discipleship movements among Muslim people.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to continue to inspire you to have god's heart for
Muslims, to see them as He does, and to be the light that then to Jesus.
Matthew 5:14-15 : 14 "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a
hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do men light a candle and put it under
a basket, but on a candlestick. And it gives light to all who are in the

Ideas for prayer

- Pray for opportunities to show the love of Christ to Muslims around you
- Pray for, and offer generous hospitality to, those you know who are serving
Christ among Muslim people -
Romans 12:13 "contribute to the needs of the saints, practice hospitality."
- When you gather with fellow believers, remember to pray for Muslims
throughout the year and encourage them to also participate in 30 Days!

My paternal side is of Muslim heritage and will offer this section to further
call for Muslim converts to Christian and any other converts to Christianity
(Hindus, Jews, aboriginals Canadian, ...) .

7) Prayers for the nation (Canada) coming from Prayer map of Canada


Day 25 of the Month

a) Pray that there will be a growing number of people in your city or
community trusting in Christ as Saviour and Lord.

(Acts 2: 41,47b

41 Then those who gladly received his word were baptized,
and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.
47 ... And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized:
and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.
47 ... And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

b) Pray that those who serve in the justice system will be agents of true
justice for all.

( Prov 11:1

1 A false balance is abomination to the Lord,
but a just weight is His delight.

1 A false balance is abomination to the LORD:
But a just weight is his delight.



Pray to the Lord and pry to be in the priestly family of the Lord.

Pray to the Lord: "Almighty God, please help me to see You
as my source of help in all circumstances."

Pray to the Lord and pray to renew your strength with the Lord.

Pray to the Lord and pray to know Him as creator of Wealth.

Pray to the Lord and pray to give Him all your temptations.

Agree in prayer with us for:
- new Christian workers among Manitoba's growing Muslim population
- new church ministries focused on prayer, equipping and reaching Muslim
communities around them, as well as training new workers
- the Arabic fellowship and their ministries of discipling new Muslim
background believers and for effectiveness in outreach
- for the recent Somali woman who found faith in Jesus and stood her ground
in the face of opposition to her new faith.
- for current workers among Muslims to be blessed, refreshed and encouraged
with great support

- Pray for opportunities to show the love of Christ to Muslims around you
- Pray for, and offer generous hospitality to, those you know who are serving
Christ among Muslim people -
Romans 12:13 "contribute to the needs of the saints, practice hospitality."
- When you gather with fellow believers, remember to pray for Muslims
throughout the year and encourage them to also participate in 30 Days!

Pray continually for Sikhs to find Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

Pray that there will be a growing number of people in your city or
community trusting in Christ as Saviour and Lord.

Pray that those who serve in the justice system will be agents of true
justice for all.

Pray that Muslims in Aceh province in Indonesia will come to realise
the harshness of Islamic law and seek the freedom of Christ
(Romans 7:6

6 (Ro 6:4; 7:4) But now we are delivered from the law, having died
to things in which we were bound, so that we may serve in newness
of the Spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter of the law.

[6] But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were
held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of
the letter.

Pray to the Lord that to know the Holy Spirit.
and Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness

Remember eternity starts now -
Pray for the direction you take to the Ever lasting loving God
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
Richard Carl Silk
2024-04-25 21:03:54 UTC
Hey "Doc"—
I wanted to "understand the *point*" of the Bible, and understood that the
entirety of the Old Testament *points* to the New Testament, and that the
entirety of the New Testament *points* to (or testifies of) Jesus Christ
Himself, so in order to "make a short study" of it all, I read *only* the
"letters written in red" in a "Red Letter Edition" (likely of an NKJV
translation) and *that* helped get me *really* into understanding the Bible as a

Well, *that* led to understanding that the 10 Commandments condense into "The
Great Commandment" of Matthew 22:37–39 ([Love God] [and] [Love thy neighbor as
thyself]) and *that* focuses into Matthew 5:44, "Love the enemies of you" aka
"Love thine enemies" aka 1?0, and that's basically "The Bible on a Bumper

See also: https://tinyurl.com/ITTA-TCoU and *that* should help the whole thing
"come to light" as it were.
Post by The Doctor
Day 116, 25 April 2024
