Mass Psychology of Fascism, Mind Control Through Mind Drugs and Possibly Other Medical Treatments
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A Sinner
2025-01-04 19:32:13 UTC
The racial theory is not a product of fascism. On the contrary: it is
fascism that is a product of racial hatred and is its politically
organized expression. It follows from this that there is a German,
Italian, Spanish, Anglo-Saxon, Jewish and Arabian fascism.
Race ideology is a pure biopathic expression of the character
structure of the orgastically impotent man.
Dr. Wilhelm Reich, “The Mass Psychology of Fascism”, 1942, Preface
* * *
Dr. Wilhelm Reich and evangelist Modersohn Ernest, both from Weimar Republic, in
particular Dr. Reich with his work "Mass Psychology of Fascism".


Following the German catastrophe in 1933, the Soviet Union regressed
rapidly to authoritarian and nationalistic forms of social leadership.
It was clear to a large number of scientists, journalists and workers’
functionaries that it was a regression to ‘nationalism’. It was not
clear whether it was nationalism patterned after fascism.

The word fascism is not a word of abuse any more than the word capitalism
is. It is a concept denoting a very definite kind of mass leadership and
mass influence: authoritarian, one-party system, hence totalitarian, a
system in which power takes priority over objective interests, and facts
are distorted for political purposes. Hence, there are ‘fascist Jews’, just
as there are ‘fascist Democrats’.


Now, what do Rev. Modersohn and Dr. Reich have in common. While the depths
of unconscious and collective mind are hard to research, and military
psychiatrists are far more advanced in this area - Rev. Modersohn described
in his book "IM BANNE DES TEUFELS" about the dangers of hypnosis and other
forms of occult so frequent in Germany in the period from 1900s to 1930s.

Today it could be even greater danger, as the psychopharmaceutical drugs
labelled as anti-psychotics, anti-depressants or anxiolitics have chemical
hypnosis effect, making one's brain susceptible to the will of guardians.

In the worst case, the will will be subjected to female authority of the
hostile race, nation or religion, which over time turned "support" into
sabotage of healing, as there was obviously a conflict of interest of the
guardian angels against patient's full recovery, resulting in yo-yo patient's
state and flip/flop change of guardians into ruthless angels with iron
unescapable grip and paralyising gaze, even in their own family.

As to the support have volunteered mostly those "who know", this would be
the ones who sold to the Communist System or the criminal oligarchy.

This would create additional problem in religious views, thought control and
even sexual control of the patients, from the female authority who supports
and condones abortion, giving absolutions and indulgences, over the believers
who would naturally oppose such things as blasphemous.

The violation was such as of a couple of buldog watchers and a few nurses
fixating a woman in the last stage of pregnancy with brute force and in
obvious sadistic and orgasmic pleasure over the act. The witness could not
help, as the woman looked at him as the greatest threat. She eventually sold
to them.

Patients were encouraged to inform and snitch on each other for better treatment
as early as in August 1994. The entire wards of Red Watchers underwent special
preparations in the ward at that August, which might have been connected with
orchestrating the military operation in August 1995.

To end this digression, the mental cringe in the hospital is driven by these
selections of target victim patients, and tantalising them until extinction of
entire families, with children lost to adoption by the foreign diplomats.
This could have unconscious effect of the general population, which obediently
delivered their best sons and daugthers into the place of Desctruction, for another
treatment, to punish small arguments and disobediences, or the "odd behaviour".
This would be anything that is not uniform in the society.

The final goal might be enablement of cloning identical copies through yet unknown
technical or occult procedure.

Ernst Modersohn explains how the occult nad hypnosis (possibly including chemical
hypnosis with mind-altering drugs) had a great role in Satanic possession, while
Dr. Reich affirms that mass of the power of the Third Reich was in occult, mass
psychology, and thought control, today possibly global.

This was later seen in the Balkan wars, where the most of the ringleaders in
Grand Serbian ethnic cleansing were psychiatrists, some convicted war criminals.

(will be continued ...)

in the LORD God Creator of the Universe, Maker of Heaven and Earth, Maker of Adam and Eve,
Almighty, Merciful, Longsuffering,
All-Seeing (El-Roi - Genesis 16.13), All-Hearing (Yishma-El - Genesis 16.11),
All-Knowing (El-Deowt - 1 Samuel 2:3),
in the Lord Jesus Christ holy name and
in the Holy Ghost of God holy name

a disciple
2025-01-13 01:14:06 UTC
You need to study Wildavsky's work on Core Beliefs from the 1980s. Core
Beliefs parallel Tversky's confirmation bias and the Apple of Edem. THey
blind people to the ideas of other beliefs. Podhorets closed Prophets
arguing Ideology is Idolatry. YOu should worship your fellow man, made in
the divine likeness, not the mandmade ideas in your head.

I argue there are certain psych types that fit each core belief.

cf panix.com/~vjp2/psytyp.txt
Vasos Panagiotopoulos panix.com/~vjp2/vasos.htm
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