2025-01-07 04:42:09 UTC
Like time zones on Earth, there was a planet with seven religion zones.
So, after a time, the religious leaders demanded air dominion over their
territory, despite being one Heaven, one Hell, and one Earth. The true
religions were originally inherited from supernatural source that wanted
mankind to ascend back to Heaven or Paradise in the Hereafter.
So, the intercontinental flights had a manual for passengers to convert to
each religion as they were passing above its air space.
There had to be special precautions against flying over religions that claimed
to be the only way to God and punished abandoning them with death penalty
- the flights were redirected other ways to avoid such dead-end situations.
With time, the number of religion factions of each of the seven major religions
started to increase to hundreds or thousands, each demanding its air zone
sovereignty, so passengers were given complex religious calculators which
gave the list of permissible, good or banned deeds, words and thoughts at
the particular moment of flight.
(to be continued ...)
As it always happens, there were also timezones, as most people decided that
the planet is a sphere.
Some argued where the children born on division of timezones belong, after
which some raised and said that they should be cut in half.
Still later, none of the zone priests would tend the soul, but they would
gather round at the moment of death in exact timespace, and contend to
whom the soul belonged.
(to be continued ...)
Then the Red Watchers came, and developed black and red religious calculators,
and added also the State rules that changed without prior notice and were
binding immediately. They also put blood multipath seeking mobs of sexual
predator females, males and children, and required from inhabitants to
simultaneously conform to all religious rules for the religikn zone and
timezone, the Red rules, and also at the same time never resist blood seeker
multipath sexual predators.
If one resisted them, they got more hold of him or her, and if they did not
resist but gave in, they "wouldn't return".
Often, the multipath blood seeker predators from swarms were trained by orgies,
ritual preparations, woth marking the territory with symbols of their defilement
status where people eat, meditate or bting families to barbecue. Part of the
preparations were ritual and serial sadistic sex abuse with erasing memory of
the abuse, through mind drugs or through red soft or hard erasing.
(To be continued ...)
Then they gave telekinetic, air, food and waters poisons by kinds, and one had
to take the first offered item, or he resisted.
The second half of Watchers offered healings from all poisons, so if a person
was healed, he resisted, and they "had" him. Otherwise he was healed from poison,
possibly somebody else in the outer region had to die for him, and the healer
was to keep his soul after death.
(to be continued ...)
Then the Red Watchers banned all religions except red Joseph and red Ephraim
and red Moon.
As the Watchers planned economic growth, crop yield and intellectual and
spiritual development of the population, they would "extract" the talents
from those whom Nature gave it by mistake and "implanted" to those who were
planned to have them, in an intellectual and spiritual uravnilovka (levelling).
After crops failed, the Leader was at fault, so the Watchers recorded the mass
memory of the population, replaced it with alternative minds during the elections,
and the the red Ephraim temple priestwomen "returned" whom they wanted, and
destroyed whom they wanted.
They would popularise all kinds of games and tests, then eliminate the dangerous
who were over Ming threshold in dubious or disgraceful curcumstances, finding
ways to preserve their knowledge and talents and pass them on to their male
consorts and male temple priestboys.
The red religion taught the red Watchers how to "solve" people before "sending"
them to Hereafter, but they did not believe in Hereafter, and they knew them not
there. Gradually, the "white ones" and animals started depopulating. Red witches
were vicious at those who would leave "one white". They would close the sky with
lead transparent shield so prayers could not go through, and mandate having home,
job, business, vehicle, loan, weekend house by "selling" or "giving" a neighbour.
The next generation learned that it is easier to offer pleasure for knowledge,
wealth and religion than having to learn.
The next generation eliminated the remaining actual believers in most of the
religious zones, replacing many shepherds with red angels.
If someone would confess sin once, they would "extract" the remaining sins,
confessed or not, directly from brain neural pathways. They would then "give"
a sheep or goat to the red horned idol for those sins, as the offering for
Leader's mistakes, to make the people believe exactly what they wanted them to
Later the red witches gave them the power to kill or slay with thought or word,
if anyone would admit an error, let alone sin, or for praying in any of religions.
They called themselves gods and made people believe that they are angels of Abyss
in the Temple of Humanity.
In the Temple, the people stood lined up obediently for the "treatment", or worse
would happen if they resisted. On ill sheep they would practice torture, torment,
shouting, binding, shaming, ritual humiliation, because ill minds are weak and
degenerate in their view. Some were sterilised and some euthanased, put to eternal
sleep. On intensive care, the patients were lying in bed stripped, and they would
forget to breathe, die, and then be rescusitated to breathing by some invisible
entity. This would mean like hundreds of ceasing and rescusitation each night.
In the North of the Temple of Humanity was a morgue and prosecture, where deceased
patient's brains were disected, and stuff done to them. Patients looked at that
with cringe obedience, turned in one another, and that would make them believe
their minds are ill and they had to take red pill for life. Already at driving
the ill people with ambulance and police rotating lights like criminals or
murderers, they would use multipath seekers in ambulance vans to find all of
mental defences and strip them on reflex resistance.
The ambulances belonged to the Blue Hecacross Society with two red striped and
Esculap serpent, with declinin and fainting heartbeat ECG symbol on the side.
Those were snuff ambulances.
That put them into the complete chemical hypnosis and cringe obedience which
was called "remission", and they would now stop having visions and voices, but
their life started being reduced to compulsively satisfying senses, smoking
three to four packs of tobacco and too much unhealthy food. Whether from treatment,
puppet thought control, or puppet walk, or sockpuppet talk, they would gradually
lose soul. That was the "remission".
(To be continued ...)
in the name of the LORD God Creator of the Universe, Maker of Heaven and Earth,
Maker of Adam and Eve, God of Adam, Abel and Abraham (for Abrahamic sacrifice),
Merciful (El-Rahum), Almighty (El-Shaddai), Longsuffering (Erek Appayim),
God All-Seeing (El-Roi - Genesis 16:13), All-Hearing (Yishma-El - Genesis 16:11),
God All-Knowing (El-Deowt), God of all flesh,
in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world (John 1:29),
Lamb of God without blemish or spot (1 Peter 1:18-19), Saviour of the world (John 4:42),
in Holy Spirit of God holy name
a disciple
Like time zones on Earth, there was a planet with seven religion zones.
So, after a time, the religious leaders demanded air dominion over their
territory, despite being one Heaven, one Hell, and one Earth. The true
religions were originally inherited from supernatural source that wanted
mankind to ascend back to Heaven or Paradise in the Hereafter.
So, the intercontinental flights had a manual for passengers to convert to
each religion as they were passing above its air space.
There had to be special precautions against flying over religions that claimed
to be the only way to God and punished abandoning them with death penalty
- the flights were redirected other ways to avoid such dead-end situations.
With time, the number of religion factions of each of the seven major religions
started to increase to hundreds or thousands, each demanding its air zone
sovereignty, so passengers were given complex religious calculators which
gave the list of permissible, good or banned deeds, words and thoughts at
the particular moment of flight.
(to be continued ...)
As it always happens, there were also timezones, as most people decided that
the planet is a sphere.
Some argued where the children born on division of timezones belong, after
which some raised and said that they should be cut in half.
Still later, none of the zone priests would tend the soul, but they would
gather round at the moment of death in exact timespace, and contend to
whom the soul belonged.
(to be continued ...)
Then the Red Watchers came, and developed black and red religious calculators,
and added also the State rules that changed without prior notice and were
binding immediately. They also put blood multipath seeking mobs of sexual
predator females, males and children, and required from inhabitants to
simultaneously conform to all religious rules for the religikn zone and
timezone, the Red rules, and also at the same time never resist blood seeker
multipath sexual predators.
If one resisted them, they got more hold of him or her, and if they did not
resist but gave in, they "wouldn't return".
Often, the multipath blood seeker predators from swarms were trained by orgies,
ritual preparations, woth marking the territory with symbols of their defilement
status where people eat, meditate or bting families to barbecue. Part of the
preparations were ritual and serial sadistic sex abuse with erasing memory of
the abuse, through mind drugs or through red soft or hard erasing.
(To be continued ...)
Then they gave telekinetic, air, food and waters poisons by kinds, and one had
to take the first offered item, or he resisted.
The second half of Watchers offered healings from all poisons, so if a person
was healed, he resisted, and they "had" him. Otherwise he was healed from poison,
possibly somebody else in the outer region had to die for him, and the healer
was to keep his soul after death.
(to be continued ...)
Then the Red Watchers banned all religions except red Joseph and red Ephraim
and red Moon.
As the Watchers planned economic growth, crop yield and intellectual and
spiritual development of the population, they would "extract" the talents
from those whom Nature gave it by mistake and "implanted" to those who were
planned to have them, in an intellectual and spiritual uravnilovka (levelling).
After crops failed, the Leader was at fault, so the Watchers recorded the mass
memory of the population, replaced it with alternative minds during the elections,
and the the red Ephraim temple priestwomen "returned" whom they wanted, and
destroyed whom they wanted.
They would popularise all kinds of games and tests, then eliminate the dangerous
who were over Ming threshold in dubious or disgraceful curcumstances, finding
ways to preserve their knowledge and talents and pass them on to their male
consorts and male temple priestboys.
The red religion taught the red Watchers how to "solve" people before "sending"
them to Hereafter, but they did not believe in Hereafter, and they knew them not
there. Gradually, the "white ones" and animals started depopulating. Red witches
were vicious at those who would leave "one white". They would close the sky with
lead transparent shield so prayers could not go through, and mandate having home,
job, business, vehicle, loan, weekend house by "selling" or "giving" a neighbour.
The next generation learned that it is easier to offer pleasure for knowledge,
wealth and religion than having to learn.
The next generation eliminated the remaining actual believers in most of the
religious zones, replacing many shepherds with red angels.
If someone would confess sin once, they would "extract" the remaining sins,
confessed or not, directly from brain neural pathways. They would then "give"
a sheep or goat to the red horned idol for those sins, as the offering for
Leader's mistakes, to make the people believe exactly what they wanted them to
Later the red witches gave them the power to kill or slay with thought or word,
if anyone would admit an error, let alone sin, or for praying in any of religions.
They called themselves gods and made people believe that they are angels of Abyss
in the Temple of Humanity.
In the Temple, the people stood lined up obediently for the "treatment", or worse
would happen if they resisted. On ill sheep they would practice torture, torment,
shouting, binding, shaming, ritual humiliation, because ill minds are weak and
degenerate in their view. Some were sterilised and some euthanased, put to eternal
sleep. On intensive care, the patients were lying in bed stripped, and they would
forget to breathe, die, and then be rescusitated to breathing by some invisible
entity. This would mean like hundreds of ceasing and rescusitation each night.
In the North of the Temple of Humanity was a morgue and prosecture, where deceased
patient's brains were disected, and stuff done to them. Patients looked at that
with cringe obedience, turned in one another, and that would make them believe
their minds are ill and they had to take red pill for life. Already at driving
the ill people with ambulance and police rotating lights like criminals or
murderers, they would use multipath seekers in ambulance vans to find all of
mental defences and strip them on reflex resistance.
The ambulances belonged to the Blue Hecacross Society with two red striped and
Esculap serpent, with declinin and fainting heartbeat ECG symbol on the side.
Those were snuff ambulances.
That put them into the complete chemical hypnosis and cringe obedience which
was called "remission", and they would now stop having visions and voices, but
their life started being reduced to compulsively satisfying senses, smoking
three to four packs of tobacco and too much unhealthy food. Whether from treatment,
puppet thought control, or puppet walk, or sockpuppet talk, they would gradually
lose soul. That was the "remission".
(To be continued ...)
in the name of the LORD God Creator of the Universe, Maker of Heaven and Earth,
Maker of Adam and Eve, God of Adam, Abel and Abraham (for Abrahamic sacrifice),
Merciful (El-Rahum), Almighty (El-Shaddai), Longsuffering (Erek Appayim),
God All-Seeing (El-Roi - Genesis 16:13), All-Hearing (Yishma-El - Genesis 16:11),
God All-Knowing (El-Deowt), God of all flesh,
in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world (John 1:29),
Lamb of God without blemish or spot (1 Peter 1:18-19), Saviour of the world (John 4:42),
in Holy Spirit of God holy name
a disciple